Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hello! I finally feel Christmas in the air! We got the Christmas tree up! We decorated some of it. Though we still have more to go. The Christmas tree has had an excitement moment. I was reading to Joe and Julie and Julie leaned against the tree and it fell sideways! None of us were hurt but Mom had left for Europe so I had to help dad get the tree to stand. Some of the ornaments broke but only plain ball ornaments. We were very lucky that the tree didn't fall on us.

We live about a quarter mile away from a church that sells Christmas trees so we walked over there, bought a tree and CARRIED it back to the house.

I hear by announce that my blog will no longer link to Joey's blog. When he actually posts I will continue the link.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good morning, followers (of my blog)!

I had a decent sleep last night and I am ready to start the day! We are going to mix baking soda with vinegar and see what gas it makes. Then we are going to put a match under it to see what gas it made. if the flame doesn't go out in two seconds that means it's oxygen and if it goes out immediately it means it's carbon dioxide. if the flame grows instantly that means it's hydrogen.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today I did an attempt to shovel the driveway. I got this idea from gymnastics. We are having our first out-of-state meet. Some of the girls can't go because of financial problems. The other girls and I were thinking we could shovel driveways to get some money to help. The problem is very simple, I am too small and do not have the strength. So I left our drive way to Dad and am not doing the shoveling fundraiser. I might end up selling hot chocolate during rush hour and the bus hour (the bus hour is what I call the time were the public schoolers get home from school).

It has snowed about a foot here with a draft.

Your's truly,
Theresa Leibig

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

OK maybe the blogging every day didn't work out so good. Might as well try it again! Well last Sunday I altar served again. This time didn't go as well as the last one. The other servers were not as expierienced as the ones I had served with before. One brought the "Procedures for altar servers" card everyone got when we started serving. I am serving again, at the Immaculate Conception mass. I was pretty disappointed that their are only two of us serving at the mass.

I get to skip out on bible school, not that I'm upset about that. I don't like our bible school because it is a family class and they put the kids who are behind on the sacraments with those of us who are up to speed in the religion. They also have this thing going on about how to pray and how we need to get a "Prayer table" we actually got the prayer table but now we "need" to get a candle for it. Dad told me that the class would actually arrive at 6:30 and go to the church at 7:00. I think that if we need an emergency altar server, two of the students in bible school are trained altar servers and I'm pretty sure that the teacher would let me ask them to serve if the church needed them.

At Olympic we are doing a secret Santa. We have to get our person two presents. One of a five dollar value and one of a ten dollar value. We need to deliver the first present in the 7th to the 12th then the last present needs to be delivered at the potluck party. I have already delivered my first present to ***. I created a little gift bag at Creative Kid Stuff. It has a mini slinky, a bag of fancy marbles, a candy cane and what I call a popper. A popper is a little rubber toy that you flip inside out, put it on the ground and it pops back up (usually about 4 feet up in the air. I have to get really crafty with my Secret Santa-ing because at Mara's party everyone except for two other girls and I. So I need to be really secretive.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So much for the blogging every day thing. I kept it going for a while ago and I'll see if I can beet my record

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I was an alter server today. We went to the 5:00 mass today because I have a meet tomorrow. We walked in and there were only two alter servers so I asked Father if he could use another one. I got dressed up in the robes and took my candle. New alter servers (like me) are candle bearers and the most experienced is a cross bearer. I basically did what they told me to do in the classes and the cross bearer would remind me about things. I like alter serving.

I have a meet tomorrow. It is my last chance to make it to state:( (I discovered the crocodile or dinosaur. :V ) I think Gergely's specialty is to strike fear into the heart of gymnast with a meet. He asked me if I thought I would make it to state. I told him that I had only missed by .125 so it shouldn't be to differcult but he said that it would be differcult because the judges might be judging harder. He also told me that he has seen arms and necks broken by how I jump to the high bar. I personally am just annoyed.

I am thankful for alter serving tonight.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I am thankful for:

The fact that I am still a kid.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I have decided that from now on I will blog every day. One of Mom's friends on facebook says something she is thankful for every day. I too, will write something I am thankful for, but on blogger.

I am thankful for my Dad homeschooling me.

Two days ago I baked some sugar cookies. On Sunday I looked for sugar cookie recipies but Mom told me sugar cookies are hard even for her. I then asked Dad to buy some dough. I got the flour, the board and the roller out. I got the cookie cutters out and invited Joey, Julie and Thomas to cut cookies into shapes. I helped Thomas with the cutting. When there was no more room I rolled the dough out again while the other kids ran around the house. When I was ready, they came back to cut more cookies. I added some more dough and then we made big cookies. At first I tried to have them all pick one cutter. Then each person cut one cookie at the same time but with the big cookies it gets difficult to get them out of the cookie cutters and with everybody doing them at the same time I can't help them all. Thomas was just a little machine pressing one and then another and another. In the end they just cut out their one cookie one person at a time. I would roll out the dough again for the next kid. I made Thomas's cookie for him. Then we went back to the little cookies and it went smoothly after that. It was a good family time.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I have decided to do my Christmas shopping early. Most of my Christmas presentsAdd Image will be homemade. Mom took me to Joanne's crafts store to get materials for the teddy bear I'm making Thomas. Mom said that I can do one project at a time. I chose a good pattern that is a simple but looks good. He only has four parts! I probably can get it done in two days. Mom is going to cut the fabric for me. I am going to make one modification to the design, move the eyes farther apart. Mom suggested to put a little patch on that says "sewn with love from Theresa". My teddy bear will be most similar to the largest teddy bear in the third picture in both size and fabric. The first two are what I actually made

I have just finished making the front of the teddy bear. I started off sewing the slits in between the ear and the head together on both sides of the front of the teddy bear. Then I sewed them together

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The week's been pretty normal. It's a gym day so happiness is mine! It's a level five and six day but this time I've got a secure title in the level six. I don't know if I have mentioned this before but there are two groups in the class. One group is the uncompetitive group and the other is the competitive group.
Some girls get into level five when their six that but some of us like me take longer. The girls that get into level five early usually take two years our so in level five but sometimes if their prepared, like Mara (Mara is one of my friends she's in level six but she's only in third grade) they get through fast. I was out of level five in a year and I can do some of the differcult level six stuff (like a back flip off of bars).

You can tell if you get put in the uncompetitive group because you're with kids that are up to chest high. Then you can tell because you spend twenty turns on dive rolls. I get put into because they have most all the level sixs in there first then all the competitive level fives then whoever is the best level five B or if they want to give someone experience. When I was in level five B there were other level fives who were looking for the spot. Now, in level six my spot is secure.

I asked Dad how cool B) he thought everthing looked interesting except for vault. I can't disagree with him. He said he knew it was probably very differcult but it didn't look like it. Our vault is very plain. It is just a front handspring, no twists no flips (unless you mess up (a lot)). Level six has the same thing. In level seven you can do either a front handspring or a half on (a round-off over the vault). My question is if you can combine the two. If not I am going straight to half-ons.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The meet was awesome! It was a state qualifier. Vault was up first. I got a 7.7 the first vault wasn't bad but the second one was wonderful until the end. I was really high and far from the horse but with the momentum I took two steps and then I fell. So that explains the 7.7

On bars the warm up was good and I was pretty confident. I got a 7.75! It was over so quick I don't really know what I did to get it. I said that I would be happy with this meet no matter what happened next. I actually didn't mean that

I fell on beam and got a 7.85! I fell on the straight jump split jump. My feet were so turned in I fell!

On floor I got a 8.575! It was my usual floor. Although my arms were bent on the back-extension roll.
I got a 31.875! A 31 will get you into level six but 32 will get you to state. I did not really appreciate being .125 below state and went back on my word from bars. But I can do the level six dismount and got a lot of team support for making it to level six.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gymnastics success! Yesterday I made SIX good bar routines in TWENTY minutes. Gergely gave us nine minutes to warm up the bar routines. I remembered to wair my contacts so it was a good deal easier. I was on the bar set that I can jump to the high bar on and everyone in my group is pretty serious about competing (there were 4 of us), espcicially because we've got a meet on Sunday. Since Gergely said nine minutes we didn't really care about the order, the idea was 'just go'. We didn't talk much and we kept an eye on the person in front of us. if you got caught up in a conversation and you missed your turn chances are someone else would go. If you missed your turn you'd ask another girl if you could go, we're close so we'd let each other go if they missed their turn. I went first because I was already chalked up. Right after my front half I realized it was good so I could move on to back half next turn. When it was my turn tried a jump but missed. Next turn I got it. I did a few more jumps and then it was time for the routines. Gergely put a clipboard, with all our names on it, on a desk. He wanted us to tally mark each routine we do connected. Here we got into a strict order. The attitude of 'just go' remained but if you were up next you were reminded. The order was; Mara, Mackenzie, Brynn and Theresa. My first routine was not awesome. I stopped before the squat on and before the back-hip-circle. One of my problems was that people were walking under the bar coming back from the clipboard. So we agreed to walk around the bars. My next one was good I never stopped although my legs were bent jumping to the bar and next turn I made another. Then, on my third turn I had my legs so bent on the jump I fell. I fell on the next one too. I made the next one and I was back on track. The next turn I annoyed the girls on the other set of bars. At Olympic there are two pairs of uneven bars across from each other. We land on the same mat. If everyone did the level five dismount it would be Ok (the level five dismount is just swinging and touching the other side of the bar) but the level sixs do back flips of the bar so we take turns. I was doing a routine at the same time as Katie and I don't look at the other pair of bars so I went and she got mad at me. The rest of it went smoothly until the end. Then I couldn't jump on one turn and then I couldn't do a front hip circle. All the girls then went to look at the clipboard to see how everyone else did and I saw my chance to get one more routine in without any interuptions.

Then I got frustrated at Gergely because he made us vault and what I wanted to do was sleep.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello! I have been enjoying the meet-free month. My next meet is in two weeks. Yesterday was conditioning day at gymnastics. I think it was the second conditioning day that I didn't cry. Conditioning day is three and a half hours of conditioning. I find it interesting that hang time is the second most tear-providing exercise and I find it easy. Hang time is just dangling on the uneven bars. It hurts because your hands are toughening and it hurts the forearms but it doesn't hurt me. The first most tear-providing exercise is hanging under the beam. The first time I did it I cried but I didn't drop. One of my reasons is that if you do you start over the timer for the whole group. I also wasn't treated well by some of the girls at the beginning of my time at olympic. It doesn't take an idiot to tell that more conditioning doesn't help that.

Mom got an emergency business meeting in LAS VEGAS. In some of her free time she did some gambling with fake money. She won three hundred dollars in fake money. She left on Sunday and will come back on Wednesday

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thomas's diaper is not nice.

One of the girls at gymnastics, Nadia, has a brother who is on Joey's soccer team. She is actually his younger sister. We live so close together that this might result in a lot of carpooling. The problem is that Nadia and I are not on the friendliest of terms (as are about two thirds of the girls in my class). She is about Julie's age, so she rarely ever pays attention. She complains during conditioning and with Gergely there's more conditioning if you complain. However if I get to know her a little better she might be nice. AND I might be able to get some baby-sitting customers.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The saturday gymnastics class.

I had a play date with Mara on Friday. After gymnastics we were actually able to convince our parents to let us have a sleepover. We had a morning gymnastics class at eight thirty so Mara and I agreed to go to sleep by eleven 'o' clock.

Karen was in charge of the class. We started out with mini tramp. Mini tramp is a spring board with a trampoline in the middle instead of springs. We started out with the simple stuff then we went into front flips. I then got to do some pikes (a front flip with straight legs). Karen made me do some lay outs too (a front flip where your body is completely straight). We went on the tumble track to do twists. A twist is a lay out where at the end you twist your body around. I tried to do a full twist but I could only manage halfs. I did a back walkover on the highway beam. Then I did back handsprings on the low fat beams.

Christmas list

For those of you who want to know my Christmas list a little early it is available. This post will have constant updates if anything else comes to mind (note these are in no particular order)

1. I've been enjoying drawing, particularly flowers. I would appreciate maybe a few nice pictures that I can draw.

2. Some nice, everyday clothes. Especially gymnastics ones (not leotards). There are two good company's I know of, Gym Monkeys (I generally have a no monkeys rule on clothing but when gymnastics is involved I accept them) and Snowflake Designs.

3. Jeans (that are good)

4. an Ipod nano might be nice.

From Museum Tour; Celestial Wonder, Battle Strikers Tournament set, Vanishing files, Introduction to Genes and DNA, Hurricane Tracker, Lightning lab and Slide and grind Combo.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Church time! I signed up to be an alter-server about two weeks ago. The problem is that there is a thing where the lead alter server does the teaching. However, the lead alter server graduated, so this conducts a problem. I have forty five minutes before church and I'm all ready. I have decided to post a blog. Mom does the choir so we normally sit by the choir. The alter servers get a reserved spot in the pews. I wonder if they'll sit by me or the choir.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gymnastics day, and if I'm lucky I'll get Mrs. Deli as a coach to day. I need to remember to bring the trophy and my grips to the gym. I really want to go to bar and beam. If I can get as good on beam as I am on floor. I'll get really high scores. Bar if you ask me is so different from all the other events it becomes differcult. Although, because what you can do on bar varies so much, it is, in my opinion, one of the best ones to watch. However, connecting the skills gives bar a very fluent look. So it looks wonderful, even in compulsory levels, as long as it is connected.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My best friend, Eliana, Joey, Julie and I play a game called kid's ville. We have marble that we use for money. I run a card shop. Joey and Julie work for Eagle Eye, Eliana's company. No it is not named after the movie, she has been using the name Eagle Eye for many things before the movie came out. Eagle Eye owns a daycare, the local marketplace and the hotel spot. The daycare was a really good idea because we all do our jobs but we really need something to do with the baby's we adopted. The original idea was that all the baby's were in the bathroom cupboard (we soon adopted them all). It only cost three marbles, we start out with about twenty marbles. The market place is the play room. It isn't the most successful store because we all can play with the toys anyway but I did buy a stroller, once. The hotel just came out today but it is ingenious! Joey works there to do the massages and the fanning. The electronic piano plays music too. Eliana helps Joey if their are two customers at a time. Joeys back massages are very peaceful and the fanning is nice too. I might have to come up with something so brilliant to keep from going bankrupt :-0
Joey had a play date with a boy named Andy on Tuesday. It kind of screwed up my routine of the day. I forgot to put my hair up (fortunately I have hair do dads in my cubby B-), I forgot my snack (Fortunately I had a snack in the car because I was supposed to go on Monday but their was something wrong with the car and I forgot to bring it in :-) I forgot my grips :- (I don't have I back up for this one) and I forgot the trophy :- (I was supposed to bring it to the gym). Class went normally. Except that I had to vault over the block and the block almost tipped on me. Gergely held it for me. On bar I did some casts with ankle weights on. Believe me when I took them off the casts were well above horizontal. I went to beam with Mrs. Deli and I used to think Karen knit-picked. I loved it because now I really know what to do on the beam. I guess that's what you get when you're coached by the ex-head coach of the U of M : - )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mom has posted the last two meet videos in Olympic gymnastics fans.

The last meet went pretty well (I was also the only level five from olympic). Floor was the first event so I had a positive start. I smiled and did my routine. My back-handspring was a little high but it was an 8.3 routine. Another girl from olympic, Mackenzie, got an 8.25 and everyone except Mackenzie and I said the judges were judging hard. I recognized the judges from the qualifying meet. I tied my personal best with an 8.3.

The next event was vault. Mrs. Deli was doing some really weird adjustments to the vault. My first vault wasn't to awesome and my hand slipped on the second one. I got my lowest score ever (on vault), 7.2.

Bar was good for me but awful for Olympic.
THREE out of SIX girls didn't make their squat ons and I was one of the ones who did make it. What I find very annoying was that some of them were telling me that the squat on was simple and anyone could do it when I was trying to make it. I went through the routine without falling. I even connected the whole front half. Although, I did have froggie legs on one of the casts. I jumped to the high bar without thinking, which is why I have decided that Terra's theory that my head gets in the way of my jump is true. I took an extra swing before the long-hang kip because I thought I wouldn't make it if I didn't. I got a 6.6

Beam was good if I didn't fall on the cartwheel. I didn't really do a good beam routine. I got a 6.65

I actually got a trophy even though I was the only one on the level five team. And no I still earned the trophy even though It was third place out of three. Actually, I am ahead of all the teams who didn't come to the meet. They all have zeros while I have a 28.4. The level sixes came up with me for the trophy too, because they wanted to support me and I really didn't want to be the only one standing on the pedestal. In turn, I went up with them for their trophy.

See my videos at Olympic gymnastics fans (There's a link to it on my blog) :- )

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I have another break from gymnastics. This is both annoying and pleasant. Joey and I maddened Dad at the beginning of school. We were doing biology and Joey and I couldn't stop laughing about the Babinski reflex. Now if you heard about a reflex that baby have called the Babinski reflex you would laugh too, right? The babinski reflex is a reflex that makes them flex there feet and pull away if you put a sharp object an their feet. If you're not a baby then you curl your feet and pull away. So when I heard it I giggled a little while joey was laughing his nerves off. Joey's laughing was contagious so in the end Dad yelled at us to get us serious and ended the biology lesson. I was very serious in spelling. Dad continued the biology lesson after lunch. We learned about nerves. The sense nerves are put all over the body but in some places more than others. if you take your fingers and put them against someones back they they can be an inch apart, but to the person it feels like one finger. But to the hand you have to have them together. on the cornea it doesn't feel heat but it feels very sharply if anything touches it. The liver only feels if it is being stretched you could burn it or cut it but it would hurt if it was stretched.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I had a terrible meet on Saturday. It was a state qualifier, so if you got a thirty two point 0 at this meet you get to go to the state meet. Abbie was three tenths off of state. Bars was the first event and with the squat ons from Friday I was terrified to do it. I didn't make any in the warm up either. I fell three times. I fell once on the front hip circle, the squat on and the long hang kip! I got a 4.95. Unfortunately, with bars being the first event it started a bad tone for the rest of the meet.

On beam I fell on a half turn because I was trying to hold it in position to long. I fell and jumped back on really quickly. Now, that was something I didn't know was that I have thirty seconds to regain my composure before you have to get back on the beam. It was an OK routine but I fell again on the cart wheel and the handstand was a little shy. I got a 5.55.

Floor! I went ahead forgot everything else and went out there and did my thing. It was awesome. I bent my arms on the back extension roll so that's a .8 deduction. I ended up with a 8.05.

The vault was wonderful. The arms were straight and I stuck the landing. I practically flew off of the vault. I think it was basically an 8 vault but the judges disagreed. 7.95 instead, I needed to get more distance of the vault and that will give me a better score.

The Monday practice improved me on floor. However, bar was a disaster. Squat on mania, as I predicted. My problem is I am afraid but I still try but it's like I forgot how to do it. One of my problems is my right leg. In squat ons it has trouble getting on the bar. It also bends in kips, on the beam dismount and during swings. My left leg has it but not my right one.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dodgeball catasrophie! (please tell me I spelled that right)

I can survive vault, beam, floor and bars (well I think I can survive bars) but I can't survive a stupid game of dodgeball. I was the only one left on the team, it was one against three. I had just thrown the ball and now all three of them were pursuing me. I ran backwards and then I twisted my ankle running backwards. And right after a ball hit my foot I started crying. I mean it really hurt (I probably looked like a real baby since I started crying right after I lost.) I did the twenty five v-ups that you have to do if you are out. Then I explained to Gergley and he examined my foot gave me an ice bag and once it was numb he examined it again. Then he told me to do 15 minutes of pure torcher (Ok really he told me to put my foot into a bucket of ice for five minutes and then wait for it to thaw then do it again two more times). Well when we got home I put my foot in a bucket of water with ice in it. It took 15 minutes for me to actually put in the water. Then the ows began it started out with screaming then I just cried. The second time I was quiet same for the last. My foot couldn't get un-thawed the last time I did it. Before, my friends and I would joke that the water was thirty two degrees cold. We would be screaming if it was thirty two degrees. I can walk on it know because of the icing my next task is to convince Gergely to let me do vault and floor.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I enjoyed another art lesson today. I drew a wonderful picture of a small bouquet of flowers that I found on a walk with Grandma and Joey (the horrors of this walk are not to be revealed). It had good flowers but the sky wasn't to good because it is too dark and it has marks of white. I don't really want to fill in the marks of white because it gets darker if you try to.

We watch a Great Courses biology movie every day for twenty minutes. We just finished the respiratory (lungs and breathing) system and the Cardiovascular (heart and blood pumping) system. We are moving on to the nervous system.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grandma Dancy came over and we've been having a blast! We went to a art museum that was modern in a bad way! There was a picture that was totally one shade of red. There was also a "piece of art" that was so horrible that I felt like throwing up. I will not be describing this "sculpture". There was also one that was really nice until you saw what it was made of. Pins stuck into elephant dung. There were a few good ones. One was a colorful array of colors. One was some elastic cord stretched out in a corner with shadows that made it look like something was there. My favorite was a screen with a dolphin. You could sit down and use the cordless keyboard to talk to him. The dolphin would actually respond. It is very high tech. Because of my crazy love for dolphins it was very enjoyable.

I rearranged my room yesterday. I made it so the bookshelves and the dressers act as room divider. We have three rooms; the craft room, the reading room and the party room. The real rooms are the art and craft room and the party room is just what is left over. Originally, we had two other rooms. The personal space rooms. It was basically a room that you could do whatever you wanted to. I think that was pretty stupid of me because you can already do that in your room. The real problem was that the rooms were really small and they didn't look like rooms at all. It was a room with three sides, not like a proper room, with four sides and a hole. So I moved everything around again and made them look better. I used the corner for the art room and built the reading room off of the craft room. This was all done yesterday. Last night Mom came in to turn off the light and she said that the place was a mess so I told her I would clean it up. That was the second stage, of which Julie and I finished this morning. Although there is still more cleaning to be done I think we did enough for today. I needed to do school. We put three pillows in the reading room to sit on. There are two for the bottom and one for the back-of-the-chair. We also use the reading room for listening to the ipod. We still need a chair for the art room and we need to get the supplies on the table.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bad school game.

Dad decided to mix it up today in school. We played a unsuccessful game of tumblin' dice. How you play is everyone has four ten sided dice. You flick your dice down a five level board. the board starts at zero and goes to four descending on very level. You flick all your dice in a round. You can also flick your die to knock of other people's dice, sometimes it's good for the other person, e.g. a die in level one is knocked to level two. If the die is knocked of the board it is removed from the round and the same thing happens if you roll it into the 0 level. You score by multiplying the level number by the number on the die, e.g. die on level one die is showing ten= ten.

I knocked Joeys nine on level three of the board and from then on he was a cranky boy. He came in here while I was writing this and said "I'm going to tackle you!" then he hit me. So after I shamed him he left. Julie was loving me because I knocked one of her level ones into level three. She stopped kindness when I knocked one of her level fours of the board. When she finished last she was cranky to. Dad says he will not be making this game a regular routine in school but it's really fun when you don't play with poor sports.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That gymnastics meet definitely has a major effect on me, I can't stop thinking about gymnastics. I have been just pouring over Mary Lou Retton's biography. I have decided my nearest goal is to get to state. You get to state by getting a 32.0 in a qualifier meet, my next meet is a qualifier. Mom says she is glad I'm setting nearby goals but she doubts I'll get to state. I really want to get to state while I'm in level five. I want to experience being at state just once. At practice today I think I know what I need to do to get eights on all events. On bars I'll work on keeping my arms and legs straight, I'll probably will get an eight by doing that. Also I didn't have my arms straight on my kips, which is a .8 deduction and no hopping on the landing will save me a tenth plus keeping my legs together will save me a lot. I was also first and usually whoever goes first gets five tenths off because the judges want to save the highest scores for the really good one. The experienced Moms say that the effect is five tenths off. On floor my score from this meet will do so I won't be doing any really bold changes. On vault I'll actually circle my arms and try to stick the landing. That will probably get me a eight. Beam is the big dilemma. I need to get my leap and hand stand more courageous. I wonder which is worse, falling or doing a puny handstand. Those judges are really serious when they say they want a good handstand. I will also straighten my legs on the split jump and make it bigger.

I taught Thomas a new word, Hola. He only says it when he's in a good mood, though. So he woudn't demonstrate in front of Dad because he was so excited to show him he ran into a wall.

I also would like to say that I did a typo, I got an 8.3 on floor:) I like internet faces:) :( B) :P ;) :0

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Your attention please! At Olympic gymnastics Fans, a blog filled with gymnastics videos of our meets, You can find my meet videos. Other gymnastics Moms can put in their videos too so there are many videos. Though there aren't many videos now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ok after a nice break from the blogging back to the meet. I started out on vault. I started out nice in strong, considering I just warmed up vault. My first vault was OK but my second vault was almost a head spring. I got 7.8 and they give out ribbons after each event. blue means nine or higher, red means eight or higher, white means seven or higher and green means 6 or higher. I got a white ribbon on vault.

Next up is uneven bars. I did a slightly bent arm kip and then went into the front hip circle. Did a nice cast squat on and made the jump! I did a small cast for the back hip circle :| and finished off with ok swings. I was first so according to experienced gymnast moms being first gets you half a point down. I got 6.2 and a green ribbon.

Next is my only event I am disappointed in, beam. I never fell but I was nervous so I was shaky. I started out clean but then I started messing up. I got 6.8 (which is what I got in the practice meet) and a green ribbon.

Now we move on to floor. Rachel got an injury here. I have an advantage here. Some girls year last years music and haven't moved on to this years music. Half of the other gyms had last years music. Tags all had last years music so the judges would like the switch. Tags also never ever smiled so yet again I have an advantage. So I did the usual routine and made sure I smiled and I got an 8.2 and a RED ribbon!

The awards ceremony was also good the three age groups got separate all around ribbons. The ribbons were Blue, Red, White, Yellow (extra ribbon) and Green. Rachel, Abbie and I sat in a circle and listened to the seven-eight awards. The green ribbons were then being handed out to the girls and I said "I hope that someone from olympic gets a ribbon." Then they called my name for the yellow ribbons. We all gasped in surprise When I finished saluting the audience I came back and Abbie started worrying that she wouldn't get a ribbon. I knew she would because all her scores were higher than mine and sure enough she received a white ribbon. For team awards Olympic got last because all the other groups had at least six girls while we only had three but hey it's better than nothing.
I went to the meet and survived! When I walked in I was the only one from my gym there and so I sat down and waited. My coach wasn't there when they started stretching so a coach from another gym stretched us (Rachel and Abbie were also there). We started to tumble when Katica arrived. She took over from there. She had some great tips and it helped a lot. We warmed up on bar we did a little floor. I had the jump on this event so of course I was terrified and my group only had three minutes to warm up. I made the jump on one of the two jumps I tried. I was mentally prepared on everything except the jump. I then moved on to beam. I did a warm up like anyother practice. but you only get three minutes to warm up so I went quick. Fortunetly we were pared up with a group called TAGS and their group had eleven girls in there group so we started just working on the floor and on a low beam. We rotated to warm up on floor and we did some tumbling and worked on the details of the routine. We then moved on to vault. It was pretty usual. We did handstand hops and then we started vaulting. I did four practice vaults. Now I will take a break from this entry to read other peoples blogs.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tomorrow is the big meet! I am pretty much freaking out. I am prepared to look like a fool on bars. My long hang kip is terrible! The squat on is also hesitant because of a horrible squat on. I got a foot on the bar but other foot didn't make it and my shin banged the bar. I was leaning forward so I fell off the bar face first. For some reason it seamed to happen in slow motion so I thought and put my arms in front of me to break the fall. I said I'm okay afterwards. I am really nervous about that meet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gymnastics went well. I usually don't get to go to gymnastics on Wednesday but it is a make up. I had practice with the level sixes but I have practice with them all the time. I did some awesome vault. I did five good ones. This time my main problem was straightening the arms. On bar Gergely tried to fix my habit of bending my right knee on the kip. That was really all we did. I think he wanted to help our vault. He really succeeded. All the level sevens and higher quit because their coach is going to University of Minnesota to coach.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ok I have a perfectly good excuse for why I haven't been blogging for he last few days. Two words, Swine Flu. Julie got it from her friend, Nora and I got it from her. I officially am a fan of the flu shot. One of the main problems about swine flu in my opinion is that it is in someone without you knowing so you catch it. Another problem is that my coach told me to come and watch the practice meet as long as I didn't do anything. So I probably infected half of my gymnastics team. I actually went to gymnastics on the day I got swine flu. In the mddle of bars it started working. I called Dad and he called Mom to pick me up and take me home. So then we had a Wizards of Waverly Place mania.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nothing really interesting happened yet. Although, Dad started giving us drawing lessons. He printed these sheets out, these sheets had shapes and pictures for us to copy. Then he gave us instructions for drawing a picture. He told us to draw three straight lines that started and ended at the edge of the paper. Then he told us to get a different color marker and make three filled-in circles. Then we had to take a different colored marker and make a curved line that started on one circle and ended at the edge of the pages. Then drew a circle that had to touch another mark, in another color of course. Then we could do what we wanted to the picture. Then we did free drawing. I grabbed my iPod turned on some music and grabbed a brown sharpie with my fist. I drew to the music. Then I stopped the song when I thought I scribbled enough. Then I took a pink marker and drew a divider, of which divided the page into four sections. I then filled in some of the shapes produced by the music. In another region I filled in some shapes blue, in another yellow and in another, green. Then I drew another but I think I let the music run to long.

Other than the drawing lesson the day went on normally.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Us Leibig have definitely entered the iPod generation. Last night Joey and Julie were asking for iPods. I am listening to mine right now. Dad's new school game is Scrabble. I won for the second (all) games. Today I had a tainted win. We have a house-rule that says that we can look in the dictionary. Well, it was the end of the game. I had five tiles - P I X Q N. I looked in the dictionary for "quin," a quintuplet. Dad played "treed" and that killed "quin" so I said "Quind I saw it in the dictionary.". Joey said "I'm challenging that!" I smiled wickedly and opened the dictionary. I knew I had to think of something fast so I said "Wait! Don't you want to know what that means! Quind is a Asian type of curse." Joey said "Never mind." He falsely challenged three other words in the game. Dad looked it up and revealed that quin is not a word. Joey then tried putting down words that were not real. So Dad made the rule that if you look something up in the dictionary that turn you have to put down a real word.

There is a gymnastics dilemma going on. Their might not actually be a level five team! It takes three girls to make a team. So I'm probably will be entering as an individual so no team trophies for me! O.K., so maybe it isn't really a dilemma but I would appreciate a team.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sorry I haven't been blogging. I had some trouble getting back into it after the vacation.

Dad started school up again. The first day of school hasn't been all that bad but I feel sorry for those who have a terrible first day of school. I woke up at nine fifteen and watched a biology show. It was about the heart. It talked first about how it pumps but note, this is a HIGH SCHOOL show. We stopped a lot so dad could translate complicated words into words that a second grader, Joey, would know. Their was also a little bit of pathology here and there. You know how when someones heart stops beating you have to press on their heart to make it go. Well, before you would actually cut open their side and put your hand up to their heart and squeeze it. This was actually more efficient than the other method but there's a little more mortality in that.

Then dad gave me a pre-algebra I don't get that because if I remember correctly I can do some real algebra. It was really easy.

Now I am blogging. Dad calls this school :~)

This year I get my own office kind of. I intend to turn Thomas's old diaper changing station into a desk. It really is desk like.

I had a pleasant surprise yesterday. Dad gave me Mom's old iPod and Joey got Dad's iPod. Mine can play movies so, if we can Joey and I will be watching Pirates of the Caribbean.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am going through the drafts that I forgot to publish.

OK, I know that every other Dancy is typing about the family reunion but I am not going to write about it right now. Gymnastics was canceled for a WEEK! I do not know how I'm going to live for the next week. I guess they wanted to give the other girls a break before the practice meet without making them to rusty to compete. This is a catastrophe!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today I had two gymnastics practices. Julie's and mine. Mine started out really awesome on beam. I did my warm-ups, as usual and then I did cartwheels, handstand and dismounts. Then Terra had me do back-walkovers. She first had me do one with her spotting on the low, fat beam. We moved up to the low, skinny beam. Finally, she had me do one on a beam, a foot above the ground, with spot. I wasn't going to do it at first but then she mentioned how I could show other girls how to do them. I am guilty, that pumped me up. I didn't make it but I tried.

I went with Gergely on bars, after that. I did kips with nearly straight arms. You probably don't know how good nearly is, nearly straight is what most of the good girls in my class do. It is really really hard to do a completely straight arm kip. What I found ironic is that Gergely's girl, Mara, who demonstrates the straight arm kip, didn't do as well as usual and my arms were actually straighter than hers.

On floor I did a roundof- back-handspring back flip! With one handed spot. Terra estimates that in a week of working on that I could be doing that by myself! I let my head lead, so that's a problem. I am used to back-handsprings so I let my head lead. Terra says that if I could get the roundoff back-handspring. I might be better at the rondoff- back-handspring-back flip then the roundoff-back-handspring-back-handspring. I am to high in my second back-handspring.

I came for Julie's practice but it was just a usual practice with nothing interesting.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Would those of who voted on the last poll, What is your favorite womens gymnastics event, put in the comments section of this post what you voted on and why.
Thank you.
My optomotrist appointment was today. It went well and the contact lenses I were now are the type I should keep getting. It was still good that I went there because I would have gotten a different prescription if I hadn't. This optomotrist is a contacts fitter. On my usual visit with doctor Freeman, he made my contacts prescription higher. However, doctor Haman lowered it back down.

My second dentist appointment was after the eye doctor's visit. They filled in my cavities. I was very still but yet amused. What hellped was that I pretended it was a high surgery operation. I know that real surgerys are no fun but in this case it helped. It gives you the challenge of making every thing that is going on into something in a surgery. It's the playful game of make believe. I pretended that the beeping noises of this machine they used the heart reading. It was turning the boring into the fun.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gymnastics went well yesterday. Consistent running this time. Beam was painful yesterday. I tried to do a leap and it was terrible, because I had slipped and I fell on chest and chin. I scraped my arm on the beam too. My coach, Caroline said "ah are you all right". Of course I said fine, my usual reaction to that question. I walked to the coach's room to get an ice pack. The coach's room is just a room where the coach's put their stuff and where the refrigerator, microwave and medical supplies are. I only teared up twice, wiped them up and walked back out. Then I sat down and iced myself for five minutes then went back to beam. I think the beam I used was cursed because Bren made the same mistake I did on the leap. It is still my favorite beam, though.

On floor Gergely decided to have us do dive-rolls, front-handsprings and roundoff- back-handsprings. He would watch them and say either yes or no. We had to get three yes's before we could move on to the next skill. My dive-rolls took one and a half turns (we got to do each one twice a turn (except the roundoff back-handsprings)). My front handsprings took three turns and I never finished the roundoff back-handspring back-handsprings.

I did vault on floor and I did wonderfully. Straight and tight, my vaults were successful.

Fury of the wasp, behind the story.

Now the story was true but only that was the middle of the true story. The wasps were there for two weeks before the incident. Their nest was in the crawl space between the first and second floor. They would come, die and then more came. Dad called a exterminator, hoping it would help. The exterminator made the nest impossible for the wasps to live in and my room was the next choice. He said they'd be gone in three days. It's been six. Dad called and he said that those were the larva of the time he'd been destroyed the nest. Now my thumb is still sore and I feel like I have only four fingers usable. Considering how painful it is to use it! I am glad I didn't do any bar today.

The Fury of the Wasp.

I was asleep at four thirty in the morning. Awake and yet asleep, knowing what I was doing and yet not knowing and doing but not knowing why I did. Laying on my back, I moved my left hand to the right. Ahh! The sting was strong, as though I had stuck my thumb deep into a tack. My mind was racing. There was no wall or anything to hurt my thumb like that. My room, plagued by wasps, It was possible I had stuck my thumb into one. However, I thought, It is unlikely. The sting was worsening and then, I heard a faint buzzing next to me. I got up, throwing the covers off of me, half ran, half walked, to my parents room. It was stinging like mad. Whimpering, I said "a Wasp stung me.". My mom first had me rinse my thumb in cold water until it was numb. She trashed around, looking for something that would numb the poison of the wasp. She then found some Windex, containing ammonia, which would heal the acid of the wasp. I then could not sleep until six forty-five.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Gymnastics was Awesome. We we ran two laps around this thing of grass they put in the streets and parking lots. I ran nice and consistant at that same speed, I finished first but after I finished the last two yard sprint the coaches asked me If I was all right. I was so tired I answered "I'm fine. My side just hurts." It hurt like it does if you just finished hard aerobics. Floor went through smoothly with improvements. Conditioning I appreciated. I did everything correctly but I got frustrated when during sit ups I would have to hold someone down but she kept stopping every two of the fifty. When it was my turn I got to thirty without stopping rested a second and did the rest of the fifty in a minute!

Vault was awesome! It started out poorly but then took a turn for the best! I sared without Caroline spotting me so I kinda' freaked a little so I didn't go but when she spotted me it was really bad. I dived down causing me to pike. My arms were bent, too. My second one was spotted (due to the other terribleness). My hands were so close to the bottom edge of the vault it was a wonder I didn't hit my back against the vault. On my third one it was decent. My arms were still bent a little but I wasn't too piked and there was no danger involved. Then Caroline stopped the vaulting and said that we were done and we weren't concentrating and working hard. I was pretty mad. Vault was all I had been thinking about in the seven-people line. She then brought out a conditioning list Gergely had made and told us to do it. Then, she said for Rachel, Saylor and I to keep vaulting. My next one was awesome. I wasn't very pike my arms were almost straight and stuck the landing. My next one went fine and the third one I hurdled to soon so I didn't go anywhere and tried the run again. It was really good. The next one was for score. I got a 7.9. Actually pretty good and if the judges are that generous I will have a good first-meet score.

On bar I did 33 kips out of 38.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Remove Formatting from selectionRemove Formatting from selection
Yesterday Mom decided to take Leah, her friend, Steve and the rest of the family to the Original House of Pancakes. It is my favorite breakfast restaurant. They have good bacon and eggs and I got a dutch baby, a European pancake. It is kinda' sour first and then sweet.

After we returned a mowed the lawn. Julie was riding Joey's scooter and Thomas wanted to ride a scooter too. To keep Thomas out of trouble I looked for a good scooter substitute, then I found the children's lawnmower. I thought that Thomas would enjoy copying me mowing the lawn. it was very cute.
On Sunday Leah went home and I played with my friends for the rest of the day

Friday, August 14, 2009

Floor awsomness

Today it was floor, floor, conditioning and then break. Gergely was really helpful on the back-extension roll. A back extension roll is a backwards roll to a handstand (not my strongest point in the floor routine).
I injured myself doing a front handspring. I landed on my foot incorrectly, landing on the left side of the foot. This hurt the foot and I cried maybe for two seconds then grabbed a ice pack and sat down to ice my foot. I guarded the gummy bears for Gergely. He has some sweets he has and he gives them to us at diffrent times. Sometimes it's for having the best half way hold (holding a push-up halfway for a while) :~) I came back into action for the routines.
My floor routine was awsome. I was sharp and smiling. Gergely wanted us to do two routines in a row for endurance. My mistakes were corrected (e.g. on the back-extension roll with my legs together....). Then because it was a Friday and there were less then ten gymnasts, we went out to icecream at the nearby gas station. Then we conditioned for the rest of the class. So it was pretty good.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gymnastics wasn't the best today. I got tired and wasn't that good on bars. On vault it wasn't wonderful like yesterday. We started with vault on floor and then we went to the real vault. On my first vault my arms were bent and I was really piked. On my second vault I was just a little ways away from hitting my back on the vault. The last was for score, 6.8. Not too bad. On floor my routine was off. So not my best day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yesterday I pulled my groin muscle doing a mount yesterday and three weeks ago I pulled it rolling over. This is the worst time yet but icing it helps.
My dentist appointment was today. I had some tartar in the back and two cavities:~(. My next appointment for the fillings is this Wednesday. I got a ring as the treat you get when it's done.

When the dentist's appointment was done, we went to the St. Louis park recreation center. Their pool was awesome! There was a huge slide and you could go into one line and do the body slide or go into the tube slide. You could have a double, triple or single tube. I went down a few times with Joe and Julie, in a triple tube. I also went with just Joe twice and I went down once with just Julie. I think the two most fun ways to go down the slide were with all three kids and by yourself, in a tube. I think going down by yourself is fun because you can have the lifeguards turn you around backwards. I like going with all three kids fun because there's this thing called whipping. When you whip on the turns you lean towards the curve and you go up it a little and when all three riders whip you go really high (you can whip when your by yourself but not as well as with three). You also go faster because their is more weight. I learned by talking with kids in line that if you whip at the last turn you might hit your head as you enter the water. We ignored this and I sit in the back because I'm the heaviest kid, so it was my head, right. We found it is better if you whip at the last turn. The body slide was OK, you get wetter but it isn't as good as on the tube.
Thomas enjoyed the water park a lot. He would just walk in at first but I got him hyped up by splashing him and he laughed when I did. I would also go underwater and sneak up on Thomas and pop my head up to surprise him. He fell in once when he was knee deep and then he came up and laughed. He was pretty brave in the water. Once, he got up to neck deep. Then he fell and he never went that deep again. When he fell, at first Dad and I let him lie there for half a second (we thought he might come up by himself) and then Dad pulled him up. He coughed a little. He then played in the sandbox. I didn't play in the sandbox but it looked interesting. There were some water works for the toddlers to play with.
Joey would appreciate you all to look at his blog to see his side of the day (he would also like you to enter some comments.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gymnastics went wonderfully today! On beam my routine was definitely improved. Unfortunately posture is the biggest thing this year.

On vault (on floor witch means that I vaulted over a giant block on a mat, with a springboard,) I did it with straight arms vaulting over it like a pencil vaulting, I was so straight, witch is the goal. Most of my vaults were like that.

My floor routine was excellent. Nice and sharp.

My bar was good but we only did pit bar so no jumping at all. Dad attached my bar to the play set.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Gergely was sick today. Today, at gymnastics we did bar, first. I didn't make the jump (though that wasn't really my assignment) and my kips were off. That happens sometimes, you have trouble on a skill. However, on some days your really good at them.
On vault I have definitely eliminated the fear part of vault but my arms were bent and I was piked. Being piked means that your upper half is fine but your legs are being dragged along. You're supposed to kick your heals up so your feet are leading but I kick my heals at the end.

On beam I did a nice, graceful and steady routine and on floor my routine was Ok. In the end before the last tumbling pass I had some trouble because my foot work was Ok but my arms were kinda' limp.

My coach, Terra, injured herself. She was sitting on the pommel horse, examining the other groups beam work and she fell of the pommel horse and she tried to avoid the mirror so she landed on her right shoulder. Later, she was icing her shoulder and my group was having our turn on beam Terra examined her shoulder and it was kinda' dented so she went to the docter and Gabor, one of the two owners of the gym, took over beam.

It was an good practice

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I just got finished mowing the lawn it's sooo tiring. Today it took me an hour and for those of you who have seen my yard that is pretty difficult. I had a sleepover with my friend, Gabby. I met Gabby through gymnastics and we play around quite a bit, especially during break in gymnastics. We actually didn't follow tradition and stayed up late all night. Partially because Gabby's mom didn't want us to be tired in the morning, and partially because Dad had a game night (game night is the second Saturday of evrery month and Dad invites everyone we know to come over and play games) and by the time we were ready for bead it was past elleven. We talked about gymnastics and other topics and we just kinda' hung out and just played.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Here are some modern (five minutes ago) pictures of me. I thought you might want to see what I look like
Good. It just cleared up outside but the ground is so muddy because in our neighborhood, water doesn't really absorb into the soil. However, it is sunny and a beautiful day. I really don't know what I want to do today, any suggestions. Dad also accomplished "phase one" of cleaning the garage. There's actually enough room to put both of the cars in the garage.

Brain Storm!

I just had a brain storm. I will be putting a activity on a every month at the bottom of my blog. This month's is Soduku.

Goldfish and polls

How do you like the goldfish. I looked at the gadgets with Mom this morning and I found the goldfish and the polls. The goldfish follow the mouse and you can click and food comes out and the goldfish eat it! The poll is just a poll. It ends in a week from now at five o'clock. They also have countdowns which is really cool. It is a screen and it says how many more days to an important event. There's also a calender and a bunch of cool things but the goldfish and the polls are my favorite.

Really rainy day

Today is so rainy you wouldn't believe it! The wind is really bad. I left my shoes outside so I had to go get them. My umbrella only helped a little, because the wind blows it into you. No playing outside today.
For your information on the side bar are comments you can still find comments below the posts. I hope this is convenient for you. There is also a rating note at the bottom of the post.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Gymnastics report

Today I did not make the jump, I made it with spot though. Although I did not duplicate the process. I did something else, I made a front hip circle cast. The front hip circle is a move where you basically do a forward roll while hanging on the bar. The only difference is that you try to get your nose to your knees, if you don't you won't be able to come back on top of the bar. The result is quite different though. A front hip circle immediate cast is difficult because you must build momentum from the front hip circle and let it go in a cast (let your hips swing of the bar). The nice thing is that you can just let your hips go an inch off the bar and the judges will call it a cast.

On beam Gergely tried to get me to do a back-walkover on the beam. A back-walkover is when you arch your back, keeping your legs in a split and just keep your back arching. Soon your arms will be touching the beam and then you make your legs go over to land. He said I could do them without spot on the low beams but it felt so unnatural that I was nervous to do it. He not spottin me did not help.

I did a wonderful floor routine without music (with Caroline, one of my other coaches). I was all smiles and it was good. I put a few small flairs onto it that make it look unique. However, when I had the music it wasn't so good. I didn't take my time at some points and at others I was behind the music. I also missed a step before my back-walkover (on floor). I could tell because if I didn't switch my legs I would be attempting a balk-walkover on my wrong leg!

Also with Caroline, I did my beam routine. I didn't warm up so I was wobbley. I'll have to practice smiling on beam so I can hide the look of despiration, frustartion and fear and I'll need to practice my handstands. The full handstands (all the way up) feels unnatural to me. I probobly won't be surviving in the jungles anytime soon if I'm trying to delete my natural senses. My handstands aren't all the way up so I won't be surviving the wrath of the judges anytime soon if I don't delete my natural senses. Oh well, I'll go with trying to destroy the natural sense. So over all it was a good practice.
Oops! my mistake, Joey, Dad and Thomas didn't see the movie. Dad says because I was crying he didn't go to the movies. He was immediately corrected by Mom and I. He didn't go to the movies because Julie didn't want to and with Tivo you can watch some movies on demand. He thought he could save some money by watching movies at our house.

rainy day

Today is very rainy. I have a Girl's club meeting today too. So that might not work out. Girl's club is a club two of my friends and I made. It's clubhouse is in my play-set. We put outdoor furniture into the clubhouse, theirs even a rug in it! The rug is actually a picnic blanket. Also Dad is taking Joe, Julie and Thomas to see a movie, Night at the Museum two. I don't get to see it because I am going to Gymnastics. Dad said "you can't go because you get to go to gymnastics." My reply "Can I see it later in the theater?" Dad "No." I have two arguments to that. Argument number 1. Julie goes to gymnastics and she gets to see it. Actually I just got news that she will be going to her friends house instead. She got the choice though! That argument still stands. Argument number 2. When I'm invited to go to the movies with my friends Joe, Julie and Thomas get to see it later!

Game on.

Today I finished a game called Small World that Dad, Joey and I started last night. I got second place ahead of Joey and behind Dad. Joey had a let down because I counted my victory points wrong, putting to tens together and called it a group of ten. So Joey was celebrating because he beat me until I realized that I had miscounted, so you could see the disappointment. I will admit I was guilty of gloating. Joey did a lot of during game gloating but I did the end game gloating.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gymnastics practice started on bars but I did not make the jump to the high bar. Gergely (pronounced gear,gay), my coach, decided to have us work on routines. My freind and I had to do five of the first half of the routine then do five of the second half of the routine. On the jump I was scared because Gergely had moved the high bar really close. Being tall, I had to just lean to it. If I jumped I would knock into the bar. The team support was no help. E.g. Theresa just lean don't jump, Theresa if you jump you will kill yourself. See, no help. Nothing really exciting happened today at practice.

The Kelley farm trip

Yesterday Dad took us on a field trip to Kelley farm. It is a farm in the style of the eighteen fiftys. I dressed myself in the most out dated stuff I had, a dress and kercheif. The dress was purple and it wasn't that old fashioned but it was pretty good and the kercheif really pulled it together. I brought my freind Eliana with me. The first thing we did once we got there was fixing a wood fence. A man, dressed as a farmer had some of us kids fix the fence, it was made out of some logs. It was actually pretty sturdy. Then we fed some oxen these little white flowers. You would hold up some flowers and they would take them with their tongues. One oxen licked Eliana and she was not happy about that. We also petted some horses. Then Eliana and I went inside a big house. We explored the rooms and we especially liked the bed room. It had a comb, some nice glass pieces and an armoire. The armoire had some real books (they were quite old)! Then we went in this wagon to go to the feild where we would gather some oat bails. A farmer went up to me and said I could go help with the oats if I would ride in the wagon. I said "You drive a hard bargain but Ok!" It was tiring work. we would pick up a bail of oats and put it in the wagon. Soon the wagon had so much oats in it that us kids couldn't put the oats in! So then the pitch forks came out. People would stand by the wagon with pitchforks and others would put the oats next to the wagon and the people with pitchforks would put it in the wagon. Joe liked the pitchfork job best. Then I went to the kichten in the big house and helped clean some pickles. Dad then said it was time to go but got distrated and we got to play some more. Then I took some squashes to be preserved. Then I was told to help weed the garden. One of the women who worked their helped me or really I helped her. We accidentally pulled a onion. Then I helped them finish off some all-wheat bread:-) It was delicious.

Gymnastics info

Today I got up at seven thirty and got all my chores done at eight forty-five. That gives me two hours and fifteen minutes to play. Child's honor. Then at eleven I'll have my lunch and leave for a four hour gymnastics class. Two days ago I learned a new skill on bars called a long-hang kip. A long-hang kip starts with a tap swing under the high bar, then you pull your toes up to the bar and pull up (with straight arms) using the momentum of the swing. However to compete on bars I need to figure out how to stand on the low bar and jump to the high bar. I intend to learn that today. What I usually do is jumping to the high bar but just touching it but I need to grab it. To compete I also need to improve my vault a lot. My vault is a front handspring over the vault. You need to run, hit the spring board, put your hands on the vault and stick it. I need to reach and kick my heels up but I dive into it and it is really slow. Besides that I'll definitely be competing this Fall.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kelley Farm trip

Today we went to the Kelley Farm!
this is a test