Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gymnastics info

Today I got up at seven thirty and got all my chores done at eight forty-five. That gives me two hours and fifteen minutes to play. Child's honor. Then at eleven I'll have my lunch and leave for a four hour gymnastics class. Two days ago I learned a new skill on bars called a long-hang kip. A long-hang kip starts with a tap swing under the high bar, then you pull your toes up to the bar and pull up (with straight arms) using the momentum of the swing. However to compete on bars I need to figure out how to stand on the low bar and jump to the high bar. I intend to learn that today. What I usually do is jumping to the high bar but just touching it but I need to grab it. To compete I also need to improve my vault a lot. My vault is a front handspring over the vault. You need to run, hit the spring board, put your hands on the vault and stick it. I need to reach and kick my heels up but I dive into it and it is really slow. Besides that I'll definitely be competing this Fall.


  1. Sounds like you are quite the gymnast! i could never even do a forward roll!

  2. omg when u compiet can i see

    ~ carmen

  3. Thank you Carol. Carmen when I compete I intend to have it posted on the blog.

  4. but i want 2 see it not here about it


  5. Ok Carmen it will be a video posting. as to you coming to see me compete I am afraid that is up to our elders.
