Monday, August 10, 2009

Gergely was sick today. Today, at gymnastics we did bar, first. I didn't make the jump (though that wasn't really my assignment) and my kips were off. That happens sometimes, you have trouble on a skill. However, on some days your really good at them.
On vault I have definitely eliminated the fear part of vault but my arms were bent and I was piked. Being piked means that your upper half is fine but your legs are being dragged along. You're supposed to kick your heals up so your feet are leading but I kick my heals at the end.

On beam I did a nice, graceful and steady routine and on floor my routine was Ok. In the end before the last tumbling pass I had some trouble because my foot work was Ok but my arms were kinda' limp.

My coach, Terra, injured herself. She was sitting on the pommel horse, examining the other groups beam work and she fell of the pommel horse and she tried to avoid the mirror so she landed on her right shoulder. Later, she was icing her shoulder and my group was having our turn on beam Terra examined her shoulder and it was kinda' dented so she went to the docter and Gabor, one of the two owners of the gym, took over beam.

It was an good practice

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