Thursday, April 15, 2010


I have started waking up early. I had one day where I woke up early on accident but I've been taking advantage of it. I can't really just sleep in one day and get up early the next. I need to have a day where I wake up naturally. If this happens I can go to sleep early that night and wake up early again the next day. I set my alarm clock to six thirty because I have a thing that no matter how late I sleep in I need to have at least five minutes of just being half awake and in bed. Normally I just lay in bed for fifteen minutes, preferably a half an hour but I have school*. Anyway, I wake up at six thirty and just hit the snooze button three times (until 7:00) and then I clean up a little in my room and make my bed. I go downstairs and get myself breakfast. Sometimes I feel like doing the work and I make myself scrambled eggs but usually it's just cereal. Then I go upstairs and get dressed brush my teeth and comb my hair. I might play around a little then do some school work. Official school starts at 9:30 and ends whenever you get done or when we have to go to gymnastics, whichever comes first. I only have to play flute and do the dishes next. I like our strategy of whenever you finish school you get to do what you want. You don't end up stalling school so it ends when we get in the car. If you do that when you get home you have to do the school and then it's to dark to play outside : -( You also don't have to wait for other students to finish : -)

* Sometimes on Saturday, when Mom wakes me up to go to gymnastics I just go into Julie's bed or into the guest bed and rest a little, then my conscience gets me out of bed.