Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy birthday Joey!

OK, Joey's birthday was yesterday but what the heck.

We spent most of the day on the computer, DSI and television with the occasional break outside. Then we did presents.
  1. He got this awesome nerf gun. It's like a machine gun. You pull the trigger and twenty five bullets come out. You load it up again and you wait for someone to walk by. JOey went to the bathroom during geology and Dad greeted him with the gun. Grandma Leibig gave us the killer gun.
  2. He got hex bug. It's a little micro bug that crawls around a course you set up. It's like the modern Thomas the train set. You set up these pieces and the robot crawls through it.
  3. I got him a hear through walls kit. It can hear through walls and I had to sacrifice my private talks with friends. I also got him a book called "The real spy's guide to being a spy".
  4. Julir got him a fake bow and arrow kit and bubbles that you can touch.
  5. Joey got two squirt guns from Thomas.
  6. He got a game called thunderstone.
  7. He got a refill pack for his gun from Grandma Liebig.
  8. He got a DSI game from Grandma Liebig.
  9. He got a Calvin and Hobbes book.

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