Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The problem with only blogging once a week. You always end up blogging about meets! But first let's get down to the none tragic events.
Justify Full

Ω Subject one Ω

We moved gyms on Sunday. I still compete for Olympic but Olympic Gymnastics Academy (aka OGA) moved locations. Dad and I went to help get all the equipment to the new building. I didn't think we had so many foam blocks until we had to move them all. The gym we are in now is humongous but it is only the temporary gym. In a month we will move to another building next to it. the temporary gym is huge but there is a problem with it, it does not have a drinking fountain. I bring a bottle of water which I refrigerate during the day. We also have to much room. I know that may sound weird but we don't have enough equipment for the gym. We are constantly running over cement. The bars are a little lower than preferred and the vault runway is short. It only goes to fifty-nine feet. Fortunately, I start at fifty-nine feet away from the vault. For other girls who start in the sixties this poses as a major problem. The run is so crucial that at meets you can run to the vault, miss a step, run to the side and it doesn't count as a vault. You can only do that once, though. you get three runs to the vault. You need to vault twice. I also decided I'm not leaving any one of my things in my cubby. I'm going to bring a gym bag and fill it with everything I need. It's much neater.

The meet was a bad one.
On bars I didn't jump to the bar once in warmups but I did it in the real thing :-) 7. something
On beam I did pretty well in warmups but in the routine the judges run the bell (which means I was over time on the routines) 6.875
I think the judging was tough on floor. 7.7 if you look back on my winterfest meet you'll notice that I got a seven from the same judge.
On vault I got 7.8 i think. On my second vault I did a weird run. I should have just gone to the side but how clearly can one think when they are sprinting towards a peace of padded wood.

Theresa Leibig

1 comment:

  1. I like the ski jump too! Joey is really sore because before he was the best at it. Now I kicked him off of the top and down to 5th Place! I knocked him off with 280's and 290's. Now I'm the new "queen".

    The queen of ski jump,
