Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wii are fit

Wii fit has made it's way into the Leibig school regimen. Wii fit has exercises and they are divided into five groups, Yoga, strength, Aerobics, Balance games and Favorites. Yoga is just a bunch of different yoga poses. You stand on the special wii fit board that senses your movements. You get scored higher for less movement. Strength is just push ups, v-ups etc. you do them on the wii fit board so it can make sure your doing it. I always get one hundred because I do my whole workout. You can challenge your trainer to push-up contests but he always quits at ten. He is weak. I am strong. Aerobics is running but it throws in a few odballs here and there like boxing, marching, hula hooping and some others that I forgot. Balance games are just things to test your balance, like tightrope. Favorites are just the ones that you do the most. I do long distance running on the wii. Then I do streching on my one. I do squat jumps and wall sit and then I get back to the wii. I do yoga streches for my balance beam. I do one round of deep breathing to start out. I do two rounds of tree and knee hold. I do one round of squat or something I forget what its called. I do two rounds of the dance pose. and then some ab things in strength. Then I do a balance game.

1 comment:

  1. I have Wii Fit!!!! I like the ski jump.
