Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I only speak in direct simple sentences. I only type in direct, simple sentences. The girls at gymnastics are DEFINETLY going to make fun of me. I do not care.

On Saturday I went to the rec center. Mom dropped me off. I explored the rec center. I swam in the pool. I can bike to the rec center. I will try it sometime. There is a pool at the rec center. There is a skating rink at the rec center. There is an indoor play set at the rec center. There is an outdoor play set at the rec center. There is a teen center at the rec center. I can not go in the teen center. I am disappointed by the teen center. I found out that the teen center has a pool tables. It has video games. I consider the teen center boring. I can not skate by myself in the skating rink. I must be accompanied by an adult.


  1. I don't understand what it is the girls are going to make fun of you about. Also, is the Teen Center boring because they won't let you in? You sound frustrated today.

  2. Teasing mostly you know like in school. The teen center is boring beacause its all video games. If I wanted fun I'd go to the pool, playground or the library.

  3. I wish I had your gift of language Theresa!
    Tina Gislason
