Friday, June 4, 2010

I biked to the library yesterday. There is one path you need to follow and it takes me straight to the community center. Behind it is the library and a beautiful lake that has a bike path around it. Next to the library is a mall. Dad picked me up at three thirty and took me to gymnastics. I plan to go today to.

At gymnastics I improved my free hip. A free hip is basically a move in which you spin backwards around the low bar without your hips touching. If your hips touch it's a back hip circle. You also have to push out of the free hip into a push away kip. A push away kip is a skill where you cast off of the low bar and swing around, bring your feet to the bar and with straight arms pull up. I can do the kip where you start on the ground but my feet always touch on the push away and I have trouble doing one out of a free hip.

Joey lost a tooth! He got the new wii game Super Mario Galaxy 2.


  1. I think it's great that there are so many bike paths near you. Merrimack didn't have many and I think I was in middle school before I could really ride my bike outside of the neighborhood.

  2. I love to ride my bike! When I come visit you I'll bring mine and you can show me them.
