Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Kelley farm trip

Yesterday Dad took us on a field trip to Kelley farm. It is a farm in the style of the eighteen fiftys. I dressed myself in the most out dated stuff I had, a dress and kercheif. The dress was purple and it wasn't that old fashioned but it was pretty good and the kercheif really pulled it together. I brought my freind Eliana with me. The first thing we did once we got there was fixing a wood fence. A man, dressed as a farmer had some of us kids fix the fence, it was made out of some logs. It was actually pretty sturdy. Then we fed some oxen these little white flowers. You would hold up some flowers and they would take them with their tongues. One oxen licked Eliana and she was not happy about that. We also petted some horses. Then Eliana and I went inside a big house. We explored the rooms and we especially liked the bed room. It had a comb, some nice glass pieces and an armoire. The armoire had some real books (they were quite old)! Then we went in this wagon to go to the feild where we would gather some oat bails. A farmer went up to me and said I could go help with the oats if I would ride in the wagon. I said "You drive a hard bargain but Ok!" It was tiring work. we would pick up a bail of oats and put it in the wagon. Soon the wagon had so much oats in it that us kids couldn't put the oats in! So then the pitch forks came out. People would stand by the wagon with pitchforks and others would put the oats next to the wagon and the people with pitchforks would put it in the wagon. Joe liked the pitchfork job best. Then I went to the kichten in the big house and helped clean some pickles. Dad then said it was time to go but got distrated and we got to play some more. Then I took some squashes to be preserved. Then I was told to help weed the garden. One of the women who worked their helped me or really I helped her. We accidentally pulled a onion. Then I helped them finish off some all-wheat bread:-) It was delicious.


  1. It sounds like a great and educational!
    We once lived near farms. One of the cows got loose and ended up in our backyard. We also had wild turkeys, skunks, possum, snakes, crayfish (in a creek)and rabbits.
    Now we live near the ocean and the bay. I see heron, ducks, turtles, sea gulls, geese, fish, and even an otter from my back window! We also get to see the sunset for half of the year. We love it!
    Carol Courtney (your Mom's aunt in Ocean City, MD)

  2. I loved going to my Grandpa & Grandma's farm. It was always the same, with the regular chores and sowing, growing and harvesting crops. I loved it, but it was really a lot of hard work too. This is a Great Blog. It's almost like being there watching your gymnastics work. I'm proud to be your follower and even prouder to be your Grandma. Hugs, prayers and every good wish. Grandma Rowena

  3. Theresa - I'm so glad you got to go to the Kelley Farm! We think it's the greatest. Every week there's something new, it seems. So much to explore and look at...

  4. At our house we see lots of Gold finches at are bird feeder. They are very pretty.

    I like the work too. If I didn't I definitely wouldn't have liked it. Thank you Grandma I like blogging.

    Really Jennie I've only been there once. However it seams that Kelley farm would have different. things every day
