Sunday, August 9, 2009

I just got finished mowing the lawn it's sooo tiring. Today it took me an hour and for those of you who have seen my yard that is pretty difficult. I had a sleepover with my friend, Gabby. I met Gabby through gymnastics and we play around quite a bit, especially during break in gymnastics. We actually didn't follow tradition and stayed up late all night. Partially because Gabby's mom didn't want us to be tired in the morning, and partially because Dad had a game night (game night is the second Saturday of evrery month and Dad invites everyone we know to come over and play games) and by the time we were ready for bead it was past elleven. We talked about gymnastics and other topics and we just kinda' hung out and just played.


  1. Game night sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. It is fun the only downside is that you have to clean up the playroom and you have to let every one into your room. I have made rules I tell every kid who enters my room.

  3. Hey Theresa! This is your cousin Nico. I got your blog from your mom's facebook. I mow the lawn too and I agree it is very tiring but isn't it rewarding to see the way it looks when it's done? It's fun to lay in too. :P

  4. I think it is rewarding to get the money too.
