Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Made the Giant!

Definitely. Those days when I only stopped because Samir (my coach) didn't want a bloodstained bar. Those days when I kept going even though I was sore. And tons and tons of chalk. All for the giant. 

I was SO close yesterday. The cast was there. Samir and I decided that's better to do a giant with bent legs than none at all. So I had that going for me. I thought I was going to make it. But just as I was coming over the top of the bar, I came down the wrong way. Samir promised me we would go to bar first thing tomorrow.

My hands were sore from yesterday's efforts, my hips were bruised, too, from all of the casts. I didn't want to waste time with the low bar. I wanted to make that Giant. I jumped to the high bar, the cast was nonexistent. Was today going to be one of those days? I tried again. A better cast but not enough power to make it around. Samir left and walked over to help some girls with vault.
"I can do it. Just go, it's not like he's doing anything standing there. I mean come on, you'll just come up short and twist off of the bar like always. But what If I make it over? That's unlikely. I'll go for it"
I jumped up on the low bar, preparing myself mentally for the task ahead. I jumped, swung out far, and casted high. "Yes, that should do nicely." I bent my legs to help give me more power, the way I've been taught. I hate bending my knees during giants, but I'll do what it takes. I came over the bar. I heard some of my teammates cheering. I squealed a little, both out of fear and excitement. I had conquered the giant and that wasn't a fluke - I made several more afterwards.

After It was clear I was consistent in making them,
my teammate Kiera videotaped my giant.

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