Chapter Three
Lily’s grandmother answered the phone. It was Mr. and Mrs. Miller! The baby had been born successfully! Emily was fine and the baby was healthy. He was a beautiful baby boy! Timothy told all this to his mother in law over the phone, he wanted Lily to come to the hospital immediately!
Her grandmother, a smile on her face, rushed Lily into the car. Lily was deeply troubled. She saw no reason for the rush. Did something bad happen? After they were in the car, Lily’s grandmother regained her composure and said. “Honey the baby is here! He’s a baby boy! He and your mother are fine!”
“Yay! When will we see him?” Said Lily, too worried and excited to talk like a toddler. Fortunately, her grandmother was to excited to notice.
“Hmm, Now all the trouble begins. I’m excited and worried. Will the baby take my place? What are babies like? Will he be mean to me?” Lily immediately realized that the last question was silly, remembering the size of the baby’s socks. “Okay, he probably won’t beat me up. What do babies do anyway?”
“Lily we’re there! We’re at the hospital!”
“Once again, time flies when you think” Thought Lily as she climbed out of her grandmother’s car.
Once they walked into the hospital Lily’s grandmother checked in. The nurse gave Lily a pink sticker that said “I am a big sister”. Lily and her grandmother rode the elevator up to the twentieth floor.
They went into room forty-four. Room forty four was a white room with a blue loveseat and a white table, along the wall there was a blue couch. On the wall there were pictures of blue jay. Lily’s eye’s rested on her mother lying in a bed with blue covers storks on it. Lily immediately forgot about the baby and ran towards her mother and climbed into the bed. She was amazed when she saw a small pink baby cuddling with her mom. “What! This is my little brother! He’s so pink! And he’s so small. In a way he’s cute but he’s in my spot.”
“ Happy birthday! Here’s your little brother. Do you like him” Emily whispered.
“He’s so small” Replied Lily.
Emily laughed and said. “Yes. He is very small. His name is Andrew.” Timothy, sitting on the edge of his wife said. “Happy birthday, Lily! We have a present for you.” Two nurses came in with a little plastic crib with a baby doll in it. They put it next to another plastic crib by Emily’s bedside.
“This is the bed hospital’s have for baby’s. They are light and easy to move around so if they need to move the baby from one place to the other it’s easy. We decided to give you your own baby to take care of.” Timothy said. Lily picked up the baby doll and said. “Thank you, Mommy and Daddy.”
“There’s another present.” Emily said. “Look under the crib and there’s a little platform and there’s another present.”
Lily got off of the bed and found the present right where here mother said it was. She unwrapped it. It was a book titled “Fun With Baby”, “Green Eggs and Ham” “The Vet” and “One to Ten Pop-up Surprises”.
Emily said. “Even though you are four your father and I are going to teach you how to read. You will love reading, Lily! You can read books to Andrew. We are also going to sign you up for preschool. You will go to preschool twice a week.”
“Mommy, I can read! Watch”. Lily read “The Vet” to her little brother. “Wow, this big sister thing is kind of fun. Boy, am I doing a great job at this reading! Mom and Dad are smiling. They are so proud at me.” Lily finished the book but you got some and looked up. Her Dad said. “Good job Lily!”
Lily asked. “I keep on reading the word ‘teh’ T-H-E what does that mean?”
“You were reading the word ‘The’.” Lily was confused. She had followed all the rules and had said all of the words sounds. Her father continued. “The English language is tricky and there are complications to the letter’s sounds. Let me show you. This word is zoo. You said zah. Two O’s together make the sound ooh. We are very impressed that you can read simple words. However, there are hard words like zoo and that’s what we will teach you. Soon you will be able to read pneumonia.” Lily blushed, she realized that she had messed up. She hadn’t realized how tricky words were.
“The book, one to ten book doesn’t have any words. Emily said opening the book. “You see the numbers? You pull them open and they show a colorful animal.” Lily opened up number one. A frog was revealed!
“Mommy look! It isn’t a picture on flat paper. It pops out and you can touch it!”
“Yes honey, these types of books are called pop-up books.”
“Cool! Thank you Mommy and Daddy!” Lily had relaxed now. “The baby isn’t taking my place. I think Mom and Dad want me to play with the baby. I wish I could hold him.” As though she was reading her thoughts, Emily asked her daughter. “Would you like to hold him?”
“Yes please!” Lily exclaimed.
“Sit down on the couch Lily and hold him like this.” Timothy instructed, while holding his son. He then passed Andrew to Lily. Lily cradled her little brother and thought. “He’s so small and adorable! I wonder why he’s all curled up. He’s warm too.” Then she whispered to Andrew. “We are going to be best friends.” And she was right.
I am having trouble keeping up with blogging entire chapters. Chapter four is one of the longer ones . I had fun writing it though. On some days I can throw down entire chapters but on others I am really slow to write. I don't really think ahead for the story either. It feels like I am reading the book myself. I don't even have to disagree with what the author is writing either! My freind Abbie is the opposite in writing stories. I relax and just write, while she looks up things for her stories and plans ahead. She also has a lot of adventure in her story too. She was the one who inspired me to write stories. Abbie already has a critic! Her brother, Louis, keeps on telling her "more action, more action!". While talking on the phone to her last night, I told her that. "Brothers can be very helpful or they can lead you to misery. You should just write what you want to write."
I am giving my birthday party some thought. I want to have a lot of people to the day party and a small selected group of friends to a sleepover party. I was thinking of themes and most of the guest are the "Ladies of the gym" as I call them but My freind Eliana is not so athletic and I don't want her to feel left out. Suggestions are welcomed.
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