Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nothing really interesting happened yet. Although, Dad started giving us drawing lessons. He printed these sheets out, these sheets had shapes and pictures for us to copy. Then he gave us instructions for drawing a picture. He told us to draw three straight lines that started and ended at the edge of the paper. Then he told us to get a different color marker and make three filled-in circles. Then we had to take a different colored marker and make a curved line that started on one circle and ended at the edge of the pages. Then drew a circle that had to touch another mark, in another color of course. Then we could do what we wanted to the picture. Then we did free drawing. I grabbed my iPod turned on some music and grabbed a brown sharpie with my fist. I drew to the music. Then I stopped the song when I thought I scribbled enough. Then I took a pink marker and drew a divider, of which divided the page into four sections. I then filled in some of the shapes produced by the music. In another region I filled in some shapes blue, in another yellow and in another, green. Then I drew another but I think I let the music run to long.

Other than the drawing lesson the day went on normally.


  1. I would love to see a picture of the outcome of your free draw to music. what a great inspiration idea!

  2. Theresa, I really enjoyed reading about your gymnastics practices. You are very descriptive. I felt as if I were there.
