Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grandma Dancy came over and we've been having a blast! We went to a art museum that was modern in a bad way! There was a picture that was totally one shade of red. There was also a "piece of art" that was so horrible that I felt like throwing up. I will not be describing this "sculpture". There was also one that was really nice until you saw what it was made of. Pins stuck into elephant dung. There were a few good ones. One was a colorful array of colors. One was some elastic cord stretched out in a corner with shadows that made it look like something was there. My favorite was a screen with a dolphin. You could sit down and use the cordless keyboard to talk to him. The dolphin would actually respond. It is very high tech. Because of my crazy love for dolphins it was very enjoyable.

I rearranged my room yesterday. I made it so the bookshelves and the dressers act as room divider. We have three rooms; the craft room, the reading room and the party room. The real rooms are the art and craft room and the party room is just what is left over. Originally, we had two other rooms. The personal space rooms. It was basically a room that you could do whatever you wanted to. I think that was pretty stupid of me because you can already do that in your room. The real problem was that the rooms were really small and they didn't look like rooms at all. It was a room with three sides, not like a proper room, with four sides and a hole. So I moved everything around again and made them look better. I used the corner for the art room and built the reading room off of the craft room. This was all done yesterday. Last night Mom came in to turn off the light and she said that the place was a mess so I told her I would clean it up. That was the second stage, of which Julie and I finished this morning. Although there is still more cleaning to be done I think we did enough for today. I needed to do school. We put three pillows in the reading room to sit on. There are two for the bottom and one for the back-of-the-chair. We also use the reading room for listening to the ipod. We still need a chair for the art room and we need to get the supplies on the table.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bad school game.

Dad decided to mix it up today in school. We played a unsuccessful game of tumblin' dice. How you play is everyone has four ten sided dice. You flick your dice down a five level board. the board starts at zero and goes to four descending on very level. You flick all your dice in a round. You can also flick your die to knock of other people's dice, sometimes it's good for the other person, e.g. a die in level one is knocked to level two. If the die is knocked of the board it is removed from the round and the same thing happens if you roll it into the 0 level. You score by multiplying the level number by the number on the die, e.g. die on level one die is showing ten= ten.

I knocked Joeys nine on level three of the board and from then on he was a cranky boy. He came in here while I was writing this and said "I'm going to tackle you!" then he hit me. So after I shamed him he left. Julie was loving me because I knocked one of her level ones into level three. She stopped kindness when I knocked one of her level fours of the board. When she finished last she was cranky to. Dad says he will not be making this game a regular routine in school but it's really fun when you don't play with poor sports.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That gymnastics meet definitely has a major effect on me, I can't stop thinking about gymnastics. I have been just pouring over Mary Lou Retton's biography. I have decided my nearest goal is to get to state. You get to state by getting a 32.0 in a qualifier meet, my next meet is a qualifier. Mom says she is glad I'm setting nearby goals but she doubts I'll get to state. I really want to get to state while I'm in level five. I want to experience being at state just once. At practice today I think I know what I need to do to get eights on all events. On bars I'll work on keeping my arms and legs straight, I'll probably will get an eight by doing that. Also I didn't have my arms straight on my kips, which is a .8 deduction and no hopping on the landing will save me a tenth plus keeping my legs together will save me a lot. I was also first and usually whoever goes first gets five tenths off because the judges want to save the highest scores for the really good one. The experienced Moms say that the effect is five tenths off. On floor my score from this meet will do so I won't be doing any really bold changes. On vault I'll actually circle my arms and try to stick the landing. That will probably get me a eight. Beam is the big dilemma. I need to get my leap and hand stand more courageous. I wonder which is worse, falling or doing a puny handstand. Those judges are really serious when they say they want a good handstand. I will also straighten my legs on the split jump and make it bigger.

I taught Thomas a new word, Hola. He only says it when he's in a good mood, though. So he woudn't demonstrate in front of Dad because he was so excited to show him he ran into a wall.

I also would like to say that I did a typo, I got an 8.3 on floor:) I like internet faces:) :( B) :P ;) :0

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Your attention please! At Olympic gymnastics Fans, a blog filled with gymnastics videos of our meets, You can find my meet videos. Other gymnastics Moms can put in their videos too so there are many videos. Though there aren't many videos now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ok after a nice break from the blogging back to the meet. I started out on vault. I started out nice in strong, considering I just warmed up vault. My first vault was OK but my second vault was almost a head spring. I got 7.8 and they give out ribbons after each event. blue means nine or higher, red means eight or higher, white means seven or higher and green means 6 or higher. I got a white ribbon on vault.

Next up is uneven bars. I did a slightly bent arm kip and then went into the front hip circle. Did a nice cast squat on and made the jump! I did a small cast for the back hip circle :| and finished off with ok swings. I was first so according to experienced gymnast moms being first gets you half a point down. I got 6.2 and a green ribbon.

Next is my only event I am disappointed in, beam. I never fell but I was nervous so I was shaky. I started out clean but then I started messing up. I got 6.8 (which is what I got in the practice meet) and a green ribbon.

Now we move on to floor. Rachel got an injury here. I have an advantage here. Some girls year last years music and haven't moved on to this years music. Half of the other gyms had last years music. Tags all had last years music so the judges would like the switch. Tags also never ever smiled so yet again I have an advantage. So I did the usual routine and made sure I smiled and I got an 8.2 and a RED ribbon!

The awards ceremony was also good the three age groups got separate all around ribbons. The ribbons were Blue, Red, White, Yellow (extra ribbon) and Green. Rachel, Abbie and I sat in a circle and listened to the seven-eight awards. The green ribbons were then being handed out to the girls and I said "I hope that someone from olympic gets a ribbon." Then they called my name for the yellow ribbons. We all gasped in surprise When I finished saluting the audience I came back and Abbie started worrying that she wouldn't get a ribbon. I knew she would because all her scores were higher than mine and sure enough she received a white ribbon. For team awards Olympic got last because all the other groups had at least six girls while we only had three but hey it's better than nothing.
I went to the meet and survived! When I walked in I was the only one from my gym there and so I sat down and waited. My coach wasn't there when they started stretching so a coach from another gym stretched us (Rachel and Abbie were also there). We started to tumble when Katica arrived. She took over from there. She had some great tips and it helped a lot. We warmed up on bar we did a little floor. I had the jump on this event so of course I was terrified and my group only had three minutes to warm up. I made the jump on one of the two jumps I tried. I was mentally prepared on everything except the jump. I then moved on to beam. I did a warm up like anyother practice. but you only get three minutes to warm up so I went quick. Fortunetly we were pared up with a group called TAGS and their group had eleven girls in there group so we started just working on the floor and on a low beam. We rotated to warm up on floor and we did some tumbling and worked on the details of the routine. We then moved on to vault. It was pretty usual. We did handstand hops and then we started vaulting. I did four practice vaults. Now I will take a break from this entry to read other peoples blogs.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tomorrow is the big meet! I am pretty much freaking out. I am prepared to look like a fool on bars. My long hang kip is terrible! The squat on is also hesitant because of a horrible squat on. I got a foot on the bar but other foot didn't make it and my shin banged the bar. I was leaning forward so I fell off the bar face first. For some reason it seamed to happen in slow motion so I thought and put my arms in front of me to break the fall. I said I'm okay afterwards. I am really nervous about that meet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gymnastics went well. I usually don't get to go to gymnastics on Wednesday but it is a make up. I had practice with the level sixes but I have practice with them all the time. I did some awesome vault. I did five good ones. This time my main problem was straightening the arms. On bar Gergely tried to fix my habit of bending my right knee on the kip. That was really all we did. I think he wanted to help our vault. He really succeeded. All the level sevens and higher quit because their coach is going to University of Minnesota to coach.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ok I have a perfectly good excuse for why I haven't been blogging for he last few days. Two words, Swine Flu. Julie got it from her friend, Nora and I got it from her. I officially am a fan of the flu shot. One of the main problems about swine flu in my opinion is that it is in someone without you knowing so you catch it. Another problem is that my coach told me to come and watch the practice meet as long as I didn't do anything. So I probably infected half of my gymnastics team. I actually went to gymnastics on the day I got swine flu. In the mddle of bars it started working. I called Dad and he called Mom to pick me up and take me home. So then we had a Wizards of Waverly Place mania.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nothing really interesting happened yet. Although, Dad started giving us drawing lessons. He printed these sheets out, these sheets had shapes and pictures for us to copy. Then he gave us instructions for drawing a picture. He told us to draw three straight lines that started and ended at the edge of the paper. Then he told us to get a different color marker and make three filled-in circles. Then we had to take a different colored marker and make a curved line that started on one circle and ended at the edge of the pages. Then drew a circle that had to touch another mark, in another color of course. Then we could do what we wanted to the picture. Then we did free drawing. I grabbed my iPod turned on some music and grabbed a brown sharpie with my fist. I drew to the music. Then I stopped the song when I thought I scribbled enough. Then I took a pink marker and drew a divider, of which divided the page into four sections. I then filled in some of the shapes produced by the music. In another region I filled in some shapes blue, in another yellow and in another, green. Then I drew another but I think I let the music run to long.

Other than the drawing lesson the day went on normally.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Us Leibig have definitely entered the iPod generation. Last night Joey and Julie were asking for iPods. I am listening to mine right now. Dad's new school game is Scrabble. I won for the second (all) games. Today I had a tainted win. We have a house-rule that says that we can look in the dictionary. Well, it was the end of the game. I had five tiles - P I X Q N. I looked in the dictionary for "quin," a quintuplet. Dad played "treed" and that killed "quin" so I said "Quind I saw it in the dictionary.". Joey said "I'm challenging that!" I smiled wickedly and opened the dictionary. I knew I had to think of something fast so I said "Wait! Don't you want to know what that means! Quind is a Asian type of curse." Joey said "Never mind." He falsely challenged three other words in the game. Dad looked it up and revealed that quin is not a word. Joey then tried putting down words that were not real. So Dad made the rule that if you look something up in the dictionary that turn you have to put down a real word.

There is a gymnastics dilemma going on. Their might not actually be a level five team! It takes three girls to make a team. So I'm probably will be entering as an individual so no team trophies for me! O.K., so maybe it isn't really a dilemma but I would appreciate a team.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sorry I haven't been blogging. I had some trouble getting back into it after the vacation.

Dad started school up again. The first day of school hasn't been all that bad but I feel sorry for those who have a terrible first day of school. I woke up at nine fifteen and watched a biology show. It was about the heart. It talked first about how it pumps but note, this is a HIGH SCHOOL show. We stopped a lot so dad could translate complicated words into words that a second grader, Joey, would know. Their was also a little bit of pathology here and there. You know how when someones heart stops beating you have to press on their heart to make it go. Well, before you would actually cut open their side and put your hand up to their heart and squeeze it. This was actually more efficient than the other method but there's a little more mortality in that.

Then dad gave me a pre-algebra I don't get that because if I remember correctly I can do some real algebra. It was really easy.

Now I am blogging. Dad calls this school :~)

This year I get my own office kind of. I intend to turn Thomas's old diaper changing station into a desk. It really is desk like.

I had a pleasant surprise yesterday. Dad gave me Mom's old iPod and Joey got Dad's iPod. Mine can play movies so, if we can Joey and I will be watching Pirates of the Caribbean.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I am going through the drafts that I forgot to publish.

OK, I know that every other Dancy is typing about the family reunion but I am not going to write about it right now. Gymnastics was canceled for a WEEK! I do not know how I'm going to live for the next week. I guess they wanted to give the other girls a break before the practice meet without making them to rusty to compete. This is a catastrophe!