Thursday, April 29, 2010

I am going to decorate my cubbie at gymnastics. I am going to put some card stock on the three sides of my cubbie. I have one that is like the bottom of a pool. It will go on the back. I have a piece that is purple and one that is green to go on the sides. I also have a furry piece of fabric that will be used as a rug. I will use a blue piece of card stock for the top. I also have a awesome piece of fabric that will be used as curtains for the outside of the cubbie. I will get some pictures of it once it is done.

I went to sell raffle tickets with Joey. He is in the Land Of Lakes Choir Boys (aka. the LOLCB)* They are selling raffle tickets for the spring concert. They are raffling
  1. One thousand dollars.
  2. Five hundred dollars.
  3. A Sony game station three.
They are five dollars each. We went door to door selling raffle tickets. It worked surprizingly well. The LOLCB has an impressive way to get boys to sell raffle tickets, they give each boy one dollar for every house you sell to.

*Personally, I think they need to get a LOLCG! The Land Of Lakes Choir Girls.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy birthday Joey!

OK, Joey's birthday was yesterday but what the heck.

We spent most of the day on the computer, DSI and television with the occasional break outside. Then we did presents.
  1. He got this awesome nerf gun. It's like a machine gun. You pull the trigger and twenty five bullets come out. You load it up again and you wait for someone to walk by. JOey went to the bathroom during geology and Dad greeted him with the gun. Grandma Leibig gave us the killer gun.
  2. He got hex bug. It's a little micro bug that crawls around a course you set up. It's like the modern Thomas the train set. You set up these pieces and the robot crawls through it.
  3. I got him a hear through walls kit. It can hear through walls and I had to sacrifice my private talks with friends. I also got him a book called "The real spy's guide to being a spy".
  4. Julir got him a fake bow and arrow kit and bubbles that you can touch.
  5. Joey got two squirt guns from Thomas.
  6. He got a game called thunderstone.
  7. He got a refill pack for his gun from Grandma Liebig.
  8. He got a DSI game from Grandma Liebig.
  9. He got a Calvin and Hobbes book.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I got an A plus on my spelling test. I had the words: masculine, medley, uninterrupted, ravenous, harassed, uninterrupted, massive, amiss, elevation, energetic, hostile, procession, corruption, prohibited, lucid, incentive, deliberate, dilation and inquiry. I got them all right.

Do you like the poll? I looked up a random word in the dictionary. Please do not look in the dictionary for pronunciation of xyster or the definition.

Thomas has learned a new word yesterday, jitterbug. We were watching dancing with the stars*. We were watching this dance the quickstep but it looked more like a jitterbug. So I said it was a good jitterbug and Thomas caught on to it.

*We record so we are amazingly far behind. We just watch when the three stars align (bath, bed and instruments) we watch.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I am going to my first summer camp, this year. I will sleep in a cabin with my friends; Eliana, Kimberly and Lauren. There is a lake to swim in, and crafts. I am looking forward to it.

While am typing I am talking to Katie Gislason. She is a friend from Texas that is about to move to California.

Katie: Hi!

Theresa: Today we are going talk about babysitting and share tactics. So Katie, how do you get the kids to bed?

Katie: First, I have them pick out some books and I read them some stories. This calms them down and then they can get ready for bed easily. I tuck them in and they fall asleep.

Theresa: That sounds like a good strategy. What I do is tell that in fifteen minutes we will get ready for bed. This lets them prepare for bed. If you say "It's for bed right now!" they might freak out. Then they get ready for bed and I give them rewards for their behavior. There is the sweetie award the ready for bed award, the great kid award, the helper award and the clean plate award.

Katie: what do the awards mean?

Theresa: The sweetie award goes to kids when they are good and it usually goes to younger children. The the ready bed award is what it sounds like. the great kid award goes for children who are particularly obedient. The helper award goes to kids who help a lot. and the clean plate award goes to whoever eats his or her dinner.

Katie: What kind of awards are they.

Theresa: stickers.

Katie: I use treats like candy. Because it gets their attention.

Theresa: I use stickers because they are easy to get and you don't have to get them an extra snack. I find that kids like any award.

Katie: I agree with that, but stickers, once you put them on you have to take them off.

Theresa: But they eat the candy and it's gone.

Katie: I agree with that. I often use stickers myself. But the kids can get stickers easily.

Theresa: Yes but these come from an American girl babysitting kit and they show special pictures.

Katie: that's good and all but they're still stickers and if you get them every week they are not exciting

Theresa: Maybe if you can get a certain of the same award and you get a treat like a candy or even a toy car.

Katie: That's a good idea.

Theresa: I'll give them a piece of paper to hold their stickers and let them decorate it.

Katie: Some kids will not want to cover up their art work.

Theresa: I'll ask them to leave a place for their stickers. That's all for now, stay tuned.

Super stroller! Have you ever been lugging a heavy stroller around in the mall? If you have you need Super stroller. Lot's of space, lots of room! its light weight too! Go Super stroller.

Theresa: Welcome back! We are going to talk about dinner! Katie what do you make the kids for dinner?

Katie: Macaroni cheese or a peanut butter and jelly meal.

Theresa: I'm not an expert in this area. I've never had to cook dinner. My parents always have left something for the kids to eat.

Katie: That's not the big thing I normally have to handle "Ew! I don't like that." is the sort of thing I have trouble with.

Theresa I'm not an expert in this either. My parents always leave something that the kids like.

Katie: I just say if you don't eat up I'm not giving you desert.

Theresa: I've never had to do that but I think I would pretend to be a waiter or have a indoor picnic so the kids want to like it.

Katie: Eventually you will run out of themes and it will teach them to complain.

Theresa: That's why I do it at the very first meal so they don't have a chance to complain.

Katie: What if you were sick and you could not take care of the kids and they would have high expectations for the baby sitter.

Theresa: I need to make sure they to eat they eat dinner.

Katie The other sitter would have whining crying kids.

Theresa: Then she would pull out your strategy. Besides, I don't think most kids would do that. I think the tecnique would work because it makes food seem exciting. The kids would only be served that way once or twice a month. I don't think it would cause a problem. Well, that's all folks!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last Saturday I did one hundred kips. We have a pit bar which is a single bar above a bunch of mats. I got out a blue block and put it a few feet away from the bar. I jumped from the block to the bar and did a kip. Then I did an under swing* and dropped down onto the block. I did one hundred of those. My knee was hurting so that's what my coach had me do.

† We took out the fire pit last night and roasted some marshmallows. On my second marshmallow I was putting it close to the base of the fire, the part where everything glows bright red, and my marshmallow caught on fire. I freaked out and asked mom what to do. She told me to blow it out. After I blew it out I really didn't know what to do with it. I normally don't eat burned marshmallows. This time I tried it and I like it. Because when you burn marshmallows you don't get the middle gushy I like to cook it a little then throw it into the fire. I continue to burn the marshmallow until it is completely black. For those of you without a fire pit, Marshmallows in the microwave taste just like camp fire marshmallow. When you put it in the microwave you need to watch it until it gets big. I wait until I think it might explode. You need to eat it with a spoon.

* An under swing is where you are on top of the bar and you let your hips come under the bar and you swing under the bar.

† Dad got a fire pit last Christmas.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I have started waking up early. I had one day where I woke up early on accident but I've been taking advantage of it. I can't really just sleep in one day and get up early the next. I need to have a day where I wake up naturally. If this happens I can go to sleep early that night and wake up early again the next day. I set my alarm clock to six thirty because I have a thing that no matter how late I sleep in I need to have at least five minutes of just being half awake and in bed. Normally I just lay in bed for fifteen minutes, preferably a half an hour but I have school*. Anyway, I wake up at six thirty and just hit the snooze button three times (until 7:00) and then I clean up a little in my room and make my bed. I go downstairs and get myself breakfast. Sometimes I feel like doing the work and I make myself scrambled eggs but usually it's just cereal. Then I go upstairs and get dressed brush my teeth and comb my hair. I might play around a little then do some school work. Official school starts at 9:30 and ends whenever you get done or when we have to go to gymnastics, whichever comes first. I only have to play flute and do the dishes next. I like our strategy of whenever you finish school you get to do what you want. You don't end up stalling school so it ends when we get in the car. If you do that when you get home you have to do the school and then it's to dark to play outside : -( You also don't have to wait for other students to finish : -)

* Sometimes on Saturday, when Mom wakes me up to go to gymnastics I just go into Julie's bed or into the guest bed and rest a little, then my conscience gets me out of bed.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Wednesday is never that exciting at the Leibig house. I don't have gymnastics and nobody has to go anywhere.

I've been studying logic recently. It's called the fallacy detective. On Tuesday we have go to bible school. It is not the best bible school in the world. It makes faith seem complicated. Anyway, we were playing jeopardy with cards that ask a question so it isn't really jeopardy. Our really pay much attention to how much attention to how much points each one is worth. The other team had to say one beatitude so they ran to the back of the classroom where a sign with all the beatitudes was kept and they memorized one. It was very unjust. Every time someone complained she committed the red herring fallacy by saying "It's supposed to be fun." She kept on changing the subject on us.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


For Christmas Joey got a thing called "planet frog, live frog habitat". It sends you a tadpole but they had to wait so the tadpole wouldn't die in the mail. It came yesterday and Joey put it into the frog habitat. The frog habitat has a few plastic plants and a little canyon of which you fill with water. It also has a little cave for the frog to hide in. He put the little tadpole into the habitat and it seems happy. It looks like a little frog body with a long tail. Joey is very happy with his tadpole.

I don't know if I've mentioned this but three weeks ago I got some betta fish. They are in a spare five gallon tank Mom used to put baby angelfish in. I got five female betta fish that I let Julie choose. I don't understand why people always say they're ugly. They have nice little fins, they aren't as big as the boys and they don't have the fins but they are very pretty. Their names are: Alpha (she is pink with purple fins), Beta and Gamma (they are both tan with red fins), Delta, (she is dark purple with red fins), Epsilon (she is gray and when any light hits the scales on her body she shines blue, she has blue and yellow fins). My Male betta fish (his name is Aragon) has a dark purple body (like delta) with light blue at the base of his fins and then the are a beautiful dark red. I've been feeding them blood worms with the occasional flake food. I can't feed them a whole cube of blood worms because they are to small. I have to melt the cube so some of the blood worms can fall off. I feed the betta fish what comes of of the cube and I feed my mom's discus fish the rest of the cube. I found out that the male betta fish at least is sick, he has a disease called rot fin. We have a sponge filter in the tank and we put it inside my moms discus filter so that it could get some of the benevolent bacteria. Unfortunately, we did not keep it in long enough and that the bacteria needs to settle.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I had a pleasant Easter. I got an Easter lily, a Johnny Quest movie, Water balloons and a water balloon pump. I had a water balloon fight with Joey. We had Veil for dinner.

I alter served at all two of the triduum masses and at the good Friday service. The holy Thursday went very well. My favorite part was definitely the washing of the feet. My job as an alter server was to refill the jars with water from the non-working sacristy (where they wash the dishes). When I wasn't doing that I sat by the bowl that people were washing feet with and clean up any water that spilled on the ground. We also had to dump the water out of the bowl into a bin. At the beginning I didn't dump out the water every time because I was told to dump it out when it started to look full. I realized that to keep people's feet from touching the dirty water you need to dump out the dirty water into the bin every time. I also began to move the bowl so people could sit down more easily and get up more easily.

My favorite part of good Friday was when they did the gospel. They had four lectors stand next to the alter. They said the lines of charactors like Peter, the priests and the people of Jerusalem. One lector played Pilate (he was definetly the best) and one said the narrative. The priest played Jesus. They did a really good job of it.

The Easter vigil was really good and I will speak of it in another blog.