Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear readers,
I am blogging during the morning therefore nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. Joey is doing wii fit for his physical education. Julie is watching him. Thomas is playing with the pieces of mouse trap. I am blogging. Yesterday I went to gymnastics and had once again a standard day. I worked on the level six low bar and did ok. I did three level six beam routines without the level six dismount and the backwalkover. Then I worked on those on low beams. I think I will try a level six dismount on the high beam next practice. They are very good.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I had a pretty standard day at gymnastics yesterday.
When I came in the other girls were standing by the window. I do not know why. Then we ran around and jumped on the trampoline and tumble track. My new thing during "free time" is to stand on the vault and do things off of it. I do things like lean back and just let myself fall, front flips, and cart wheels. I am still not couragous enough to do a back flip of the vault. Any way after we stretched we did floor. I did all the skills in the floor routine. then we did vault. I did some god ones and made some improvements. Then I did beam and made five rountines. I got to skip the back walkover and the dismount. Then Gergely gave us free time and I did more vaults. The vault is really a wonderful event. It's quick so when you only have two minutes of free time it is the even to choose. Floor is ok but it takes some time to warm up for diffucult skills. Beam also takes some time to warm up for. It takes to long to put grips on for bar. On vault warming up is unnecessary if you have done it before that same day. So I did some vault and Kristina joined me.

Joey had a friend over today. Dad gave me permission to play with my friend Eliana. We played around a bit out side and we practiced a game of ours, swinging and jumping off. The goal is to go as far as possible. We make a mark for our landings in the sand. Every once and a while we jump off and try to be as graceful as possible.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I was outside enjoying spring a minute or two ago and I came across some interesting thoughts and have made a list of things I am thankful for. Of course, I was on the trampoline so all my thoughts were on gymnastics
  1. I am thankful for Friction (because without It vault, beam floor would be impossible and bar would be changed a lot)
  2. I am thankful for gravity (because without Gymnastics would be way to hard).
  3. I am thankful for my Dad (because without him I would not understand any physics witch helps me do gymnastics)
  4. I am thankful for spring floors (because floor would be harder without the extra BOING)
  5. I am thankful for gymnastics.
I recently started to do calligraphy (pronounce Call-ig-ruffy not Cally-a-gruffy as I am figuring out). Dad found my kit yesterday while cleaning out the last frontier (our "cave" the room in our basement with no windows). Yesterday I just did cursive with the fountain pen but today I did the letter 'a' and 'b' in italic style. I want to learn Italic, Gothic and Sheffer (Sheffer is a style made for the certain type of book I have.). It is were entertaining.

At our local Barns and Noble they have a "turnoff week". The idea is to get kids to do something other than screen time. It is from April 19-25 and they have a poem contest and I 'm going to enter it. You have to bring it to Barnes and Noble by Apil 12. Come to the poetry reading on Thursday April 22 at 6:30 to hear the finalist' poems (Finalist will be notified on the 16). If you win get a prize!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I did a successful back handspring back tuck on floor last Saturday (most of you probably know that due to my Mom's face-booking )-:<. Unfortunately muscle memory is not in my favor because I couldn't do any on Monday )-: so there is a five day gap between me and the back-tuck. I was sure I was going to do the back - tuck on Monday but Gergely was sick and Gabor had us do tumble track almost the whole time, despite push back from the whole team. I am frustrated and I 'm sick so I'm sure it will be almost a week between me and my back tuck )-:<. My new favorite thing to do is to invision the hardest gymnastics moves and sticking them. Eg, round off back handspring back tuck, back-handsprings on the beam, Back walkovers on the beam, level six bar routines, front handspring half twists on the vault, front handspring front tucks on floor, etc.......... ='.'= )-: )-:<

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today I did something really funny. Dad gave me a math problem, he wanted me to convert 1/3 x + 3/4 y = 3/8 into slope intercept form. Once I got it I put my head to the table. A sign that I was having trouble. It was really funny. I didn't know I had it. I thought you had to get rid of the number in front of X.

I found out that I have a genetic defect. Joey, Julie and I have a short connection from the roof of our mouths to our tongues. That's why Julie has a lateral lisp and I had one. Joey's is the shortest of all but he seemed to manage.

I started to take notes during our Geology lesson. We were studying volcanoes here is what I wrote;

Hawaiian volcanoes don't explode. Except when water hits the magma chamber and you know because it will steam up.

Stromboli volcanoes erupt frequently but with mild or no explosion. Stromboli (the volcano) erupts every twenty minutes. Basaltic lava and andesitic lava mix (in this type of volcano).

Volcanian volcanoes explode violently and every 100 years, approximately.

Pelean volcanoes are (the most) violent. Mt. Pele erupted and covered the whole town of St. Pierre. The whole chamber comes up and flows down (for miles, usually).

In plinean volcanoes it comes up and is pushed 4000 feet in the air and then it goes down like a pelean volcano.

A crater is the hole at the top of a volcano.
If the magma chamber is low in magma the volcano collapses and a hole is formed and that is a caldara.

A hot spring is made of the presence of lava under ground water but some so called hot springs don't have anything to do with lava.

This was slightly altered so you can better understand it. I will explain more things about it.

For the first six paragraphs I was learning about the different types of volcanoes. Hawaiian volcanoes are named after the volcanoes on the big island of Hawaii. If the magma hits the ocean it is called pillow lava. Stromboli volcanoes are not very dangerous and they erupt frequently and with mild or no explosion. Stromboli the volcano has a town built around it and if you aren't insane it will not hurt you. The Volcanian volcanoes explode violently and are the types you usually hear about on the news. Pelean volcanoes are rare but the most violent. So are Plinean volcanoes. They spew lava everywhere. Craters are just what they sound like. Crater lake is a caldara and it was filled with water. a little mound is in the middle of it and it was like a little bit of lava trying to come back. It formed a shape but it doesn't errupt.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wii are fit

Wii fit has made it's way into the Leibig school regimen. Wii fit has exercises and they are divided into five groups, Yoga, strength, Aerobics, Balance games and Favorites. Yoga is just a bunch of different yoga poses. You stand on the special wii fit board that senses your movements. You get scored higher for less movement. Strength is just push ups, v-ups etc. you do them on the wii fit board so it can make sure your doing it. I always get one hundred because I do my whole workout. You can challenge your trainer to push-up contests but he always quits at ten. He is weak. I am strong. Aerobics is running but it throws in a few odballs here and there like boxing, marching, hula hooping and some others that I forgot. Balance games are just things to test your balance, like tightrope. Favorites are just the ones that you do the most. I do long distance running on the wii. Then I do streching on my one. I do squat jumps and wall sit and then I get back to the wii. I do yoga streches for my balance beam. I do one round of deep breathing to start out. I do two rounds of tree and knee hold. I do one round of squat or something I forget what its called. I do two rounds of the dance pose. and then some ab things in strength. Then I do a balance game.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The problem with only blogging once a week. You always end up blogging about meets! But first let's get down to the none tragic events.
Justify Full

Ω Subject one Ω

We moved gyms on Sunday. I still compete for Olympic but Olympic Gymnastics Academy (aka OGA) moved locations. Dad and I went to help get all the equipment to the new building. I didn't think we had so many foam blocks until we had to move them all. The gym we are in now is humongous but it is only the temporary gym. In a month we will move to another building next to it. the temporary gym is huge but there is a problem with it, it does not have a drinking fountain. I bring a bottle of water which I refrigerate during the day. We also have to much room. I know that may sound weird but we don't have enough equipment for the gym. We are constantly running over cement. The bars are a little lower than preferred and the vault runway is short. It only goes to fifty-nine feet. Fortunately, I start at fifty-nine feet away from the vault. For other girls who start in the sixties this poses as a major problem. The run is so crucial that at meets you can run to the vault, miss a step, run to the side and it doesn't count as a vault. You can only do that once, though. you get three runs to the vault. You need to vault twice. I also decided I'm not leaving any one of my things in my cubby. I'm going to bring a gym bag and fill it with everything I need. It's much neater.

The meet was a bad one.
On bars I didn't jump to the bar once in warmups but I did it in the real thing :-) 7. something
On beam I did pretty well in warmups but in the routine the judges run the bell (which means I was over time on the routines) 6.875
I think the judging was tough on floor. 7.7 if you look back on my winterfest meet you'll notice that I got a seven from the same judge.
On vault I got 7.8 i think. On my second vault I did a weird run. I should have just gone to the side but how clearly can one think when they are sprinting towards a peace of padded wood.

Theresa Leibig